We shall share that glory—if we endure. Who among us doesn’t need forgiveness? Would you assume based on the Romans verse that good would come from Satan?
Contrast sad instances of fear and shame, 2 Timothy 1:15. The salvation which Christ offers gives us freedom from the power of sin now, because we have died to sin (Romans 6:2) and have become new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17).Scholars believe that these verses constituted a hymn familiar to Timothy. In other words, God with great power has succoured us; surely we may be confident that He will never leave us, never desert us; but in the hours of our sorest trouble incurred for Him will keep us and will bring us safely through it. Paul himself (2 Timothy 1:12), and Onesiphorus (2 Timothy 1:16), were instances of fearless profession removing false 'shame.' Imagine if we were in a time of persecution how quickly you would respond to your pastors call from prison to help him - hopefully we would respond - not being ashamed of being related to a person in prison for preaching Christ.Note that Paul identifies himself as Christ"s prisoner rather than Caesar"s. What significance can we draw from this?1. “I declare,” he cried, with an oath, “here’s a younker praying. We shall be “priests and kings.” We will reign with Christ forever and ever (Revelation 5:10; 20:4, 6; 22:5).We could translate this verse, “If we are not faithful, (Christ) remains faithful—because he cannot deny himself—cannot act in a way opposed to his nature.”While some would take this as Bad News, assuming that Christ will condemn the unfaithful, I take it as Good News! 1 Timothée 2 9 Je veux aussi que les femmes, vêtues d'une manière décente, avec pudeur et modestie, ne se parent ni de tresses, ni d'or, ni de perles, ni d'habits somptueux, 10 mais qu'elles se parent de bonnes oeuvres, comme il convient à des femmes qui font profession de servir Dieu.… (Interestingly enough, Paul did not consider himself Nero's prisoner at all, but "the prisoner of the Lord," a line of thought also in evidence in The problem that precipitated these words was that of the storm of imperial opposition to Christianity following the counterfeit charges initiated by Nero. Not according to the power we get from God, but according to the power which God has displayed towards us in our calling and in our marvellous salvation. Elsewhere, Paul refers Not according to the power we get from God, but according to the power which God has displayed towards us in our calling and in our marvellous salvation. Clergy faced with a clergy killer need to seek the advice and counsel of trusted clergy, both within and outside their denomination.
He called Timothy to “hold the pattern of sound words (teachings) which you have heard from me” (1:13).
2 First of all, then, I urge that petitions (specific requests), prayers, intercessions (prayers for others) and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all people, 2 for [] kings and all who are in [positions of] high authority, so that we may live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. The stakes are high. And what was it that laid hold of me? Do you think I’m going to fight for you and be disgraced in this way?” And so James never again failed to kneel before he slept, and feels to this day that his being ashamed of his Father in heaven and of the Saviour who died for him was well rebuked by the friendly courage of Bob Shearer. He says, “The farmers who labor must be the first to get a share of the crops” (2:6)—implying that Timothy has a right to expect financial support from those whom he serves. When faced with a clergy killer, consider seeking legal counsel to insure that you don’t make a mistake that will give the clergy killer grounds for a legal suit. It was natural and right that an old warrior whose armour was worn with use should charge the young soldier to bear himself bravely in the war. They undercut. It was so easy for the uncommitted to withdraw from Paul now that he was in prison. They block. Say no, I"m not going to have it right now - schedule me in two weeks when it is more convenient.As we joked with one another and with the medical staff we were given a number of puzzled looks as if we didn"t know how serious things were. 3 Craig S. Keener, Was Paul For or Against Women in Ministry? The Soviet Union and China have done everything possible to restrict Christianity, but when restrictions were loosened a bit after the Soviet Union dissolved, churches were filled to overflowing.
Hosanna in the highest!” (Mark 11:10).God’s word cannot be held by prison walls. Jesus Himself had differentiated between those who confessed Him and His words, and those Who were ashamed because they were not His (Nor is Timothy to be ashamed of him, Paul, for he is to recognise that he is not Rome’s prisoner, he is the Lord’s prisoner. But Paul saw himself, not as being in the power of Rome, but as being captive to the will of God (‘But suffer hardship (‘take your share of ill treatment along with all His people’ - sun-kako-patheo - ‘together ills suffer’) with the gospel according to the power of God.’ Rather than being ashamed, therefore, Timothy is to endure.
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