agron et nasir

Once Spartacus returns to strength, the three of them must navigate the new landscape of their lives.
Apr 30, 2015 - Agron et Nasir leurs plus beaux moments - YouTube While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Agron est un guerrier germain faisant parti du dernier lot d'esclaves que Quintus Lentulus Batiatus a achetés avec son frère Duro.Ne cherchant qu'à rester en vie, il se rallia farouchement à la cause de Spartacus lorsque son frère fut tué devant ses yeux par les Romains lors du soulèvement du ludus. The story is AU.

Nasir's new found life as a free man and the wish to pursue love as any free man can, or the spectre of a person called Tiberius who once wore his skin?Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of ViolenceChoose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of ViolenceGraphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-ConGraphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death As physical scars heal the mental ones remain and may prove strong enough to destroy what battle could not.By the time battle is joined once more with the Roman's it is three very different men leading the which Saxa lives but has rather mixed feelings about it and luckily for her, Sibyl’s feelings are not that mixedAgron and Nasir make the most of an unexpected perk of warFor a trainee surgeon, death is a part of life - sometimes in surgery you do everything right and the patient still dies. Agron is a new guard, in need of employment after buying his freedom from his winnings in the arena.Friendship becomes the edge of something more when Nasir's circumstances change.After Mira interrupts them and sends them off to bed Agron and Nasir make the most of the time alone.Agron has returned when he was thought dead, but he is not the man he was and his reunion with Nasir is far from the joyous affair it should beFor that dominant NSFW starter - "I can't wait to rip off your clothes so we can get started" + "Bathroom now. Slight issues with language.After being routed on the banks of the Sele, Agron's small band of injured and aged rebels head east to escape the Romans.Agron struggles to accept his injuries and tries to deal with his limitations while the burden of leading what is left of the rebels weighs heavily.The story of one Magical wizard, who found himself brought back in time from an accident with a magic Time-Turner…and he made shocking and inspiring changes in past Roma, by using his Magic, his wealth, and his wits. Agron has returned victorious from the destruction of the arena in Capua, a day that should be joyous for Nasir, who has agonised about his return, but old worries and deep set controls beaten into him by years living as a body slave threaten to turn him from his desires. How long can these two stand at odds? Along with the help of the gladiators, he has bought and taken into the care of his house. Some OCs and Trigger Warnings for the whole fandom. Devoid of Spartacus' leadership while he recuperates, the bloody mantle of command falls upon the shoulders of Nasir and Agron to vary degrees of success. In which Duro and Agron are separated at the auction and Duro is sent to the mines, where he finds a beautiful and broken slave girl from the house of Batiatus. Will Lucretia's fate be different from the series? A new relationship with one of the new doctors is the absolute last thing he needs, but unfortunately Nasir seems to be exactly Agron's type Skip to the end if you need more details on the Major Character Death/ Graphic Violence/ Blood/ Lots of blood tagsNasir is valued body slave, responsible for managing Tribune Lucius Vibius Metellus's villa, but that doesn't protect him from the appetites of his dominus. What role will some own charas play? While, just across the river, Caesar's Romans live in luxury paid for with human blood. Regular Cannon Pairings and major Duro/Diona. And who pays the price when gang warfare comes onto home turf?He didn’t think any less of Nasir and he tried to tell him that, but the man still threw his walls up.Nasir is having trouble with their awkward first encounter and Agron isn't sure how to help him.An AU Duro/Diona fanfic. Pietros and Duro survive the end of the first season here, but they are in a difficult situation. Nasir hires stripper!Agron to be his date to a work event and things proceed to slowly get out of hand.Spartacus is gravely wounded, but the quick thinking of Nasir and Agron saves his life.

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