Owen had the paramedics take him to the scene of the accident and found her several hours after the accident. He assured her he was there for her. Sarah Drew grew up on Long Island in Stony Brook, New York, the daughter of Jeannie Drew, a teacher, and Charles Drew, a pastor at Emanuel Presbyterian Church in New York City.
When April's mother visited for the first time, April found that her mother meddled too much. Privates. In surgery, Owen and Callie were discussing whether or not Emma was his girlfriend for having baked banana bread for. April and Matthew's Wedding Event information Episode(s) Get Up, Stand Up Organized by April KepnerMatthew Taylor April and Matthew's Wedding is the aborted wedding between April Kepner and Matthew Taylor. April is of Christian faith and always prays for her patients before going into surgery. Hiervoor werken we samen met volgende partners: De artikelen en video’s die u op onze website bekijkt, kan u door middel van buttons delen via social media. She later met up with him in an on-call room and made sure he knew he was appreciated, and that she noticed all the good he's been doing. Jackson, der nur widerwillig auf der Hochzeit erschienen ist, unterbricht die Zeremonie mit einem Liebesgeständnis. While Meredith was in the hospital, April and Jackson had an argument because Jackson served her divorce papers. He started guessing and eventually hit the crisis of faith. Dies verheimlicht sie Jackson eine lange Zeit, er findet es trotzdem heraus, da es ihm Arizona mitteilt.
Sarah Drew, Actress: Radio. Catherine assumed the baby's last name was to be Avery, but April told her they were hyphenating since the name Kepner means good things where she comes from.Her incision healed well and she was allowed to go home. Maggie later came to apologize to April, who assured Maggie that Jackson had a reasonable explanation for what he did.Jackson tried to deal with the scandal by paying the personal settlements with his money, since the new Catherine Fox Foundation had to use all of its money to keep the Avery hospitals afloat. Sarah Drew est une actrice, réalisatrice et productrice américaine née le 1 er octobre 1980 à Charlottesville ().. Elle est révélée par son rôle de Hannah Rogers dans Everwood (2004-2006) et accède à la notoriété grâce à son rôle du D r April Kepner dans la série télévisée Grey's Anatomy (2009-2018). A possible terrorist attack made April insecure about bringing a child into the evil world, but Catherine told her that there's only one way to change that world: good people raising their babies right. She got bored at home and visited the hospital to get some movement. They later signed the papers shortly after April found out that she was pregnant with Jackson's baby.A new paramedic at the hospital, Matthew has recently caught the attention of April, as he awkwardly asked her on a date after confessing to watching her for some time but he assured her he was not a stalker. She went to Matthew in the ambulance bay, and told him she wanted them to commit to one another before having sex, as she wanted their first time on their wedding night to be amazing. Eventually, she came back to her senses and wandered inside. While he had made a full recovery, he had come to question the meaning of the Bible and faith. April has always been very close to God, and she says she remained a virgin so long due to her religion - which Jackson respected.
April said that Matthew brought her breakfast burritos and now they were getting married. Op deze manier is het mogelijk om het gebruik van onze site te analyseren, de inhoud van de website te personaliseren, u relevante advertenties te tonen en sociale media functies te integreren.
While running from Vik, who didn't seem to understand her no-daylight rule, she found Arizona delving into the US's maternal mortality statistics after the loss of Karin Taylor. He refused to be given more medication before his wife's arrival. That calmed April down and gave her confidence that she would raise the baby right. She then hugged him and kissed him. Jackson blamed Dr. Hunt for changing her. April felt like Jackson wouldn't respect the religious traditions she wanted to teach her kids, and they got into a huge fight.
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