combat de sakura

Mais il s'agissait en fait d'un piège de la Yamanaka qui n'avait pas véritablement usé de sa technique et à juste fait en sorte que Sakura soit prisonnière des cheveux laissés sur le sol pour pouvoir enfin l'utiliser pour de vrai. Sakura protects spectators from the falling debris.Several months later, when Sarada leaves to train for the upcoming After Kinshiki and Momoshiki kidnap Naruto, Sakura heals Later, suspecting that the attacks would make another attempt to kill the recovering guards to cover their tracks, Moegi disguised herself as one. When Sakura and Sasuke began dating, they had their first date overlooking the ocean, though it only lasted for two and a half minutes.Eventually, she became director of the Medical Clinic and its top healer. Ses cheveux furent totalement différents entre l'anime et le manga. In the morning, they are tracked down by Team 7 spends several days recuperating from their ordeal but they are able to reach the centre of the forest in time to advance to the Chūnin Exams' preliminaries: a series of one-on-one qualifying matches.

Au début de la série, ces dernières tombent jusqu'en dessous du genou et ressemblent à un pantalon.
Bien que mortellement touchée, Sakura continua à utiliser son chakra pour se soigner et empêcher Sasori d'attaquer Chiyo. Overcome with emotion, Sakura knowingly violates the For the Chūnin Exams' first stage, the participating genin are given a written test with ten questions. Rather than display these emotions to others, she projects them inward, allowing a manifestation of who she truly is — what is labeled "Inner Sakura" (As Part I progresses, Sakura becomes increasingly exposed to the realities of the world, difficulties for which she cannot rely upon Inner Sakura to cope with alone.

Elle s'intéressa même à ses dessins. Elle alla même jusqu'à tenter de tuer seule Sasuke pour éviter que ce fardeau n'incombe à Naruto. De cette épreuve, Sakura garda un grand respect pour Rock Lee qui l'avait protégée au péril de sa vie. Sasuke leaves Konoha to wander the world on a journey of redemption and Sakura asks him to wait until his prosthesis arm is finished, but Sasuke declines. Lors de la première épreuve de l'examen, l'épreuve théorique, Sakura fut, du fait de la grande intelligence, l'une des rares élèves à pouvoir répondre aux questions posées sans tricher.

She later wakes up to find herself in the care of Sasuke accompanies them back to Konoha and spends some time with Sakura and Sarada, even posing for a family photo that their home has been missing. * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence Naruto Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Anime. This upsets Sakura and she punches the ground, which then inadvertently destroys their house. Loin de lui en vouloir, et se sentant coupable de la peine qu'elle infligeait à son ami, Sakura jura à son tour que la prochaine fois elle serait là elle aussi pour aider Naruto à ramener leur coéquipier. Please help the Pokémon Wiki by expanding it. Meanwhile, Sasuke and Boruto were sent back in time to shortly after Sasuke's defection, past-Sakura bumped into the two. Grâce à Naruto et Sakura, Saï s'humanisa et tous repartirent à la recherche de Sasuke.

is one of the national anti-demon squadrons in the New Sakura Wars series stationed in the municipality of Shanghai, China. Sakura is mentioned in a letter written by Naruto and given to Sasuke while he is on his journey. She continues looking after him as he recovers, but he repels her kindness, angered by his earlier defeat by his brother, Sakura takes Naruto aside afterwards and tells him about the cursed seal Sasuke received from Orochimaru, which she'd until now kept from him at Sasuke's request. The ParaFAL Sakura is a Rare cosmetic variant of the ParaFAL released on September 9th, 2018. Suspecting that Boruto knew something about Sasuke, she decided to confront him about it.

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