Secretary Jewell cited a 1947 law that empowers the Secretary of Interior to use authority when the USBGN “does not act within a reasonable time” as a justification to make the change.No fewer than nine Native groups, from time immemorial, have used unique names for the mountain. Hora Denali, dříve Mount McKinley, je nejvyšší hora Severní Ameriky.Dosahuje výšky 6190 metrů a nachází se v národním parku Denali na Aljašce. Le Denali, anciennement mont McKinley, est la plus haute montagne d'Amérique du Nord. Under U.S. Board on Geographic Names policy,In 2009, the retirement of Regula reinvigorated interest in renaming the mountain. According to University of Alaska linguist James Kari, the groups to the north and west of the mountain (and Alaska Range) use words that translate to “the tall one.” The Athabaskan languages to the south of the mountain use words that mean “mountain-big.” The name “Denali” stems from “deenaalee,” which is from the Koyukon language traditionally spoken on the north side.The first non-Native record of the mountain came from George Vancouver in 1794, when he referred to the “stupendous snow mountains.” Early 18th and 19th century Russian explorers had several names for the mountain. Everybody in the United States knows of Mt. McKinley and the various efforts made to climb it. If you get to the voicemail, please leave a message and we'll call you back as soon as we finish with the previous caller. Alaska State Representative In February 2015, in response to the objections from Ohio, Senator After the 2016 presidential election, President Trump and Interior Secretary Alaska Board of Geographic Names attempts to change nameAlaska Board of Geographic Names attempts to change name The local The historical first European sighting of Denali took place on May 6, 1794, when The mountain was first designated "Mount McKinley" by a New Hampshire-born The mountain was always commonly referred to by its Koyukon Athabaskan name The following year, Regula used a procedural maneuver to prevent any change to the Mount McKinley name. It proved difficult to supplant words and meanings that endured for generations among Athabaskan groups living in close proximity to the mountain. “McKinley” was incompatible with the Athabaskan worldview because they rarely name places after people.In 1975, the name controversy reemerged when the State of Alaska petitioned the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (USBGN) to change the name of the mountain to Denali officially. Sheldon and Browne, who had both spent significant time within the proposed park boundaries, were deeply alarmed by the decimation of the region’s game due to market hunting and the impending arrival of the railroad. In consequence, both Mr. Yard and I think that the name McKinley should stick.”“Mount McKinley National Park” officially prevailed after its legislation was signed into law on February 26, 1917.Despite the official decision to use “Mount McKinley” as the name of the peak and the national park, the debate did not die. . But the official name of the mountain remained Mount McKinley.Name-change efforts led by Alaskan politicians continued to be thwarted by Congress until President Barack Obama and Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell took action in 2015 to restore the name Denali to the mountain. Denali (also known as Mount McKinley, its former official name) is the highest mountain peak in North America, with a summit elevation of 20,310 feet (6,190 m) above sea level. Dickey wrote, "We named our great peak Mount McKinley, after William McKinley of Ohio, who had been nominated for the Presidency, and that fact was the first It is not descriptive. In his reply to Browne, Riggs declared:“I don’t like the name of Denali. Can it be too late to make an exception to current geographic rules and restore these beautiful names—names so expressive of the mountains themselves, and so symbolic of the Indians who bestowed them?”Get tips on where to photograph and see Denali, the tallest mountain in North America, as well as how to photograph wildlife and wilderness.Wilderness provides outstanding opportunities for solitude or primitive and unconfined types of recreation.Designated Wilderness areas protect many aspects of the park from maintaining natural areas to protecting historical and cultural resources.A ranger is available 9 am—4 pm daily (except on major holidays). . It was clear that the name McKinley bothered both of them.In a 1913 memoir, Browne lamented: “In looking backward over the history of the big mountain, it seems strange and unfortunate that the name of McKinley should have been attached to it.”In 1930, Sheldon’s The Wilderness of Denali was published and the memoir closes by making another case for the mountain’s name:“The Indians [sic] who have lived for countless generations in the presence of these colossal mountains have given them names that are both euphonious and appropriate . Attempts by the Alaskan state government to have Mount McKinley's name changed by the federal government were blocked by members of the Numerous Indigenous peoples of the area had their own names for this prominent peak. The latter was baffled that the mountain’s Native name was being modified by outsiders and wrote about it extensively. President Donald Trump, during a meeting earlier this year with Alaska's two Republican senators, asked about renaming the nation's largest mountain On the eve of the National Park Service’s 100th anniversary, the name of the highest peak in North America changed from “Mount McKinley” to “Denali.” The timing of the change not only helps mark the agency’s centennial, it shines a light on the long human history of the park, and illuminates a naming debate that has lasted more than 100 years.The controversy started before the establishment of the park and has continued into the present.
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