dettifoss 862 ou 864

Road 862 from Rt. Connaissez vous l'état de la 862 et 864 en 2013/14 pour une voiture de tourisme. The 60km took almost 2 hours since I was generally driving around 30-40kmph. I was in an Opel Astra wagon, so no 4WD. One side to get up close and personal, so close you can get on the edge of the top of the powerful falls, and on the other, the 862 side, you get a more full on encounter, albeit more distant, to get the sense of power.

Later I walked upstream and I felt better. Route 862 goudronnée de Dettifoss à Asbyrgi?

We took the 862 and that meant that Dettifoss was one of the less favourite attractions for me because I didn't get to see the waterfall well enough.

862 - 24 km on asphalt and relatively easy to reach for people with walking difficulties. Deux routes, accessibles aux voitures de tourisme “normales” permettent d’accéder aux chutes de Dettifoss : la route 862 et la route 864 (seules les F road sont spécifiquement réservées aux 4*4).

What else can I do near Dettifoss? Th e East side of the waterfall can also be reached via Road 864, but the roads are less safe and part of the route is a simple dirt track, which is potentially hazardous during the winter. 1 to Dettirfoss is finefor motorhomes.

Par contre, il faudra quand même voir la situation à ce moment, car pour l'instant la 864 est complètement fermée et la 862 n'est ouverte que de la 1 à dettifoss. Full waterproofs required, as is camera protection from the spray from the waterfall (as well as the rain).Of the many beautiful waterfalls we saw in Iceland, this was our top pick for the raw beauty of its force which is accentuated by the nature of its geology. 862 is paved up to Dettifoss, but I've read over and over and it is worse than 864 past there and even single lane at times.

Walking up to the waterfall from the car park took about 15 mins and upon seeing dettifoss as I got up the small hill just before it I simply welled up. This is the easiest way to get to the waterfall.864/east is rougher and non-paved. Claves para decidir el lado del cañón Jökulsárgljúfur Es una de las dudas frecuentes al viajar a Islandia, elegir la orilla desde la que disfrutar de las vistas sobre las cascadas del río Jökulsá á Fjöllum. Take in the fantastic moon scape scenery, the as ergo cliffs, the views across to Krafla and numerous other volcanos. You have to go all the way around.Someone drove road 862 and can comment on possibilty of driving a motorhome on that road. 864 - 32 km on gravel dusty/dirty road and relatively high stone "staircase" I always do both. I had to just stand there for a few minutes to take it in before I could move and start walking around it.Force, power and raw energy make it well worth a visit.

Exactly the information I was looking for.Like others have said, 862 (on the west side of the falls) is paved to Dettifoss and a good a road as any. In my opinion, not recommended for smaller Some information about road 862 and 864 between Asbyrgi, Dettifos, road 1 and road 85 from Husavik: Thank you Simona. Getting to Dettifoss requires a choice. It was still grey but the threat had been removed. The view is quite obstructed and having seen photos from the other side I think it'll give you a better view. Take the fantastic roads running around Jokulsargljufur national park - the aforementioned 864 and 862. @ABtraveller99: There isn't a way to go to the other side at all. It stops being paved towards North at the cutoff that goes to the parking lot.

If you have time I'd rather go that route.

I have read few past posts on both roads but which road should be preferred for 2wd currently ..So confused ....has anyone been to Sentuasel road 907 by 2wd after passing jokuldar valley ?I can only remark on driving 864 between 85 and 1.

Since I was driving from Ásbyrgi down to Dettifoss, I opted to take 864 to avoid 862.

This is on the western side. I visited on a grey, wet day and there was water everywhere. 862 is paved and good all the way to the parking lot of Dettifoss.

For us in a rented mini, a Hyundai I-10, the concern was the constant tickety toc of gravel flying up as we drove along (Iceland's car rental agencies are very finicky about small marks on the finish of the car).

Very useful! Clearly no problem in an SUV. We made is unscathed but that may be due in part to luck.I visited here on a tour operated by Iceland air called jewels of the north.

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