This eventually culminates in Globgor getting released and Star realizing that the Magic High Commission has been out to get him and Eclipsa despite their changed ways. Star Butterfly (Star vs.The Forces of Evil en version originale), est une série créée par Daron Nefcy et produite par Disney Television Animation.Le premier épisode de Star Butterfly a été diffusé sur la chaîne étasunienne Disney Channel le 18 janvier 2015, avant que le reste de la saison ne soit diffusé sur Disney XD entre le 30 mars et le 21 septembre de la même année. She is a bit reckless, as she enjoys fighting monsters and doing wild things. Sujet: [Disney XD] Star Butterfly (2015) Dim 6 Mar 2016 - 21:59 Bonsoir les amis !! settings. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Anime heroines (like Sailor Moon or Sakura Kinomoto)Energetic, exuberant, cute, sweet, impulsive, reckless, cheerful, happy-go-lucky, quirky, hyperactive, friendly, fun-loving, outgoing, brave, ditzy, disorganized, whimsical, funny, sometimes a bit self-centered and stubborn, but kind, caring, and heroicSlender, fair skin, pink hearts on her cheeks (formerly), long blonde hair, light blue eyes, small pink wings (after her Mewberty transformation; formerly)Adventures, friends, unicorns, puppies, having fun, fighting monsters (formerly), dancing, opossums, Marco's ringtone, Oskar, parties, lines, living on Earth, spiders, fortune cookies, nachos, bike riding, pancakes, sugar in her burritos, Destroys the Realm of Magic, merges the Earth and Mewni dimensions, and reunites with Marco Toffee had been corrupting all the magic of the multiverse since "Afterwards, Star set her sights on becoming a better princess, starting with unifying monsters and Mewmans. During this time, she met her distant ancestor, By the second half of the third season, Star discovered that Star begins searching for her mother; eventually finding her on the Island of the Pie Folk where she discovers that Festivia was of Pie Folk origin, meaning that she and Moon are partially of Pie Folk descent.
Producteurs : Daron Nefcy / Jordana Arkin et David Wasson. Strangers, in her eyes, are just friends she has not met yet, and she feels bad if she hurts someone's feelings, whether intentionally or not. Nevertheless, Star maintains a closer friendship to Marco than to Tom. Titre original : Star vs. the Forces of Evil. season 2. Nombre de saisons : 1 Saison (en cours de production). She also works very hard towards her goals, so much that she will sometimes go sleep-deprived.
Use Star’s wand to match creature colors and help Star and Marco zap all the creatures back into the tower dome! With nearly all her outfits, she wears a red or pink headband with horns. She is an intergalactic princess from the Kingdom of Mewni. Corus Entertainment Inc. Tous droits réservés. Star and Marco's magic ends up being so powerful that both Earth and Mewni fuse into one world and the series ends with Star and Marco reunited for good. Télévision Corus. L'émission de Tête de Licorne/Première Visite officielleL'émission de Tête de Licorne/Première Visite officielle However, Star can be egocentric, wanting attention, and getting frustrated with things that bother her. Star has a happy-go-lucky attitude and always puts a smile on everyone's faces. Her cheeks have posh pink hearts, which sometimes change into things that reflect her emotions, such as hourglasses when she is bored, grey skulls when she is pumped for battle, white skulls when she is depressed, or light bulbs when she has an idea. dcom. Nombre d’… She used the whispering spell to destroy Ludo's wand and was transported to a corrupted version of the Realm of Magic. © Disney Search. Star Butterfly est princesse d’un royaume d’une autre dimension qui fut envoyée sur Terre après avoir accidentellement ravagé son domicile avec sa nouvelle baguette magique qu’elle ne maîtrise encore pas très bien… Envoyée chez la famille Diaz, elle se fera un nouveau meilleur ami: Marco.
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