If not, any idea how to write Also the double underscores indicate to the reader this is a special attribute. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled
If you say "z <- lm" and then x(z) you get "z", not "lm".True, although it's unclear what the right behavior is then. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our
The nice-to-have would be not having to pass in a labels vector with the names I want, but that's certainly another option. I’m sorry I don’t know php … A standard soundex string is four characters long, but the SOUNDEX() function returns an arbitrarily long string.
Hope my answer helps to all those who might be stuck for the same!Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!
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See, for example, the results of the following lines:You can get the arguments and the body of the function, but not the name.My suggestion would be to construct a named list of functions, where the name could be printed:Nice observation by @nfultz, so the answer to this thread's question would be :-All the other answers would simply return the parameter name itself ('f' in the example above) - I tried them all since I've been working on a function and experienced this issue of not being able to retrieve a function's name inside another function wherein the first is passed as parameter to the second function while calling it. The match.call function just gives you the name of the variable that held the function when it was being called, so in that sense, it's doing the only thing it can do. A Function object's read-only name property indicates the function's name as specified when it was created, or it may be rather anonymous or ''(an empty string) for functions created anonymously. 6.50 Function Names as Strings.
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GCC provides three magic constants that hold the name of the current function as a string. As a bonus, classes and modules have a There are also other fun properties of functions. In C++11 and later modes, all three are treated as constant expressions and can be used in constexpr constexts. The source for this interactive example is stored in a GitHub repository. The Overflow Blog
This is because we attempted to reference our array using rounded brackets. // Function name to invoke var fnName = "helloWorld"; // Params to pass to the function var params = "ctrlq.org" // Call function using Window object window [fnName] (params); This can be useful for invoking Google Apps Script functions as well. All non-alphabetic characters in str are ignored. Questions: In Python, how do I get a function name as a string without calling the function? Answers: my_function.__name__ Using __name__ is the … I don't know that "canonical" really comes into it...This is all true, but then what is the right answer in the context of the original question. My goal is to perform a 2D histogram on it. This is where PHP says that a function name must be string when the variable is a boolean. The fix …
Don't fear the "OO", this would be a nice simple example to start using it.
Type This function will return the caller’s function name.It is like Albert Vonpupp’s answer with a friendly wrapper.sys._getframe() is not guaranteed to be available in all implementations of Python (A call to stack[-1] will return the current process details.so now all you have to do with your function is decorate it and voila Questions: I have the following 2D distribution of points. Which function is "canonical" and should be printed?In a functional language, the name of the function is not really important. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and
I imagine Hamilton wants a function I should also mention that many functions, such as In Python, how do I get a function name as a string without calling the function?Is this available in python? Is this available in python? I was just hoping for something that'd do it for me.
Freejoy May 21, 2017, 8:56pm #6. While this function still works in ASP.NET, you do have another option: you can use the Invoke method of the MethodInfo class.This class is a member of the System.Reflection namespace and it provides access to a method's metadata. I just wanted to be able to have a function I can call like compare.distribution.methods(c(two.choice, go.left, simple.random.sample), and get a table of results for each method in the vector. This means that the only way is to save When a function is passed around as an object, it loses its name. your coworkers to find and share information. If this is not part of the R flow, then all the better that this question is answered thus.The S3 method dispatch does that for you!
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