kovacs 50 shades of black traduction

Testo, video e traduzione in italiano di 50 Shades of Black - Kovacs traduzioni, testi canzoni tradotti in italiano, inglese. 50 Shades Of Black. 50 shades of black and red wine. Oh my darling, hear me howling I'll slice you to the moon. I can be a witch, a bitch, a murderer. I'll make you cry like a baby in my blood staines dress 50 well is you, are you ready to die

Now it's bottoms up, good times Roaming the streets You're all mine 50 ways to get, you to whine.

50 shades of black and red wine. 50 ways to wreck, get in line Sneak up and attack, it's all fine Here we go, time to show My dark side. 50 shades of black and red wine Now it's bottoms up, good times Roaming the streets You're all mine. Sneak up and attack, it's all fine. Now it's bottoms up, good times. 50 ways to wreck, get in line. Then push comes to shove, a bad sign Rolling the dice The moon shines 49 who's next, honey need to confess. Roaming the streets. My dark side. You're all mine. Here we go, time to show. Take it as it comes Prends le comme il vient And be thankful when it's done Et sois reconnaissante quand ce sera fait There's so many ways to act Il y a tellement de manière d'agir And there's many shades of black Et il y a beaucoup d'ombres dans le noir There's so many shades of black Il y a tellement d'ombres dans le noir There's so many shades of black Il y a tellement d'ombres dans le noir

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kovacs 50 shades of black traduction