Search Reset APPLY. Product Ideas engaged in the above activities will be removed without notice.We know you’re proud of what you’ve made, but product ideas are about concepts for new LEGO products, so focus on the model and the concept.You may not use the LEGO logo, any close approximation of the LEGO logo, or any logo owned by the LEGO Group (for example, the NINJAGO logo, Minifigures logo, etc.)
Their content marketing experience is as old as their brand.
Well, here is a brief explanation of what LEGO Ideas is followed by a step-by-step process of how to use the site support a project. But if you do want your content marketing strategy to work, you should take a few hints from LEGO. Share. This is both to promote a quality experience for our community of teen and adult members and to comply with our child safety policies.Members must be 13 years old or older to interact on LEGO Ideas. Submit.
Community How It Works Submit A. You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. You heard that right. Flip through all the awesome models,and if you are 13 years …
Please check back soon! We will remove product ideas upon request from former collaborators. That is all there is to it! For example, suggestions to release a LEGO store or LEGO delivery truck may contain LEGO parts showing our logo, or a Classic Space inspired model can contain the Classic Space logo on a Minifigure or brick.You may not submit images, logos, or description text that implies a third-party, for example a license holder, endorses or is affiliated with your idea if in fact they are not involved.
We do our best to keep this as updated as possible.Some third-party properties feature iconic characters, buildings, vehicles, or visual styles. If the LEGO Group deems a property inappropriate for LEGO Ideas, we also may not allow these iconic elements even if all references to the property are removed.Please be aware that LEGO Ideas maintains an even stricter policy than the rest of the LEGO Group on which third-party intellectual properties are allowed to be submitted to the platform. For example, a truck may not change into an airplane, and a product idea referencing a licensed property may not later remove the license reference.You are welcome to collaborate with others on Product Ideas. And most marketers don’t realize the power of LEGO when it comes to branded content. Big models are awesome, but we have to set limits to the size of LEGO Ideas submissions. However, we do have restrictions on how much you're allowed to edit and how often you may do so. For specific rules, prizes, and rewards for entries to A product idea includes photos or 3D renderings of your own original LEGO brick model along with a written description that becomes your proposal for a potential LEGO product. BOOST; City; Classic; Creator 3-in-1; DC; Disney™ DOTS New; DUPLO® Friends; Frozen 2; Jurassic World™ … There are no contests available to enter at the moment.
Once an idea reaches 10,000 supporters, the LEGO Review Board reviews it and considers it for production using a process similar to the one used for our own LEGO products.The LEGO Review Board, composed of designers, product managers, and other key team members, evaluates each idea that reaches 10,000 supporters based on three attributes:Your original model design shown through your photos, illustrations, or artworkThe concept presented both visually and in your idea's written descriptionThe audience that will potentially purchase the product, based on the product idea's supporter survey data and our own market analysisIt’s our job to determine whether your idea meets our high standards for what it takes to be a LEGO product. For example, you may have more than one builder, or divide roles between builder and promoter. ©2008-2020 The LEGO Group.
If you get an idea for a new LEGO set, it’s possible our team of designers has had a similar idea on their own.If the LEGO Group introduces a product similar to an idea submitted on LEGO Ideas, you understand and acknowledge that any coincidence is unintentional and release the LEGO Group against any claims of infringement.All product ideas must reach 100 supporters within 60 days of being posted or they will automatically expire and no longer accept new supporters.
Requiring that you login with a LEGO ID is just The LEGO Group's way of making sure that people are not supporting the same project multiple times in order for it to reach 10,000 supporters. Love getting imaginative with LEGO bricks? For example, if your idea is a police car, it may include tags “car,” “police,” “wheels,” etc. LEGO IDEAS. If you’re submitting a product idea based on a discontinued LEGO theme or brand (for example Blacktron or Octan), it must be your own new, creative work.We can’t guarantee we can produce your idea if it is based on a competitive toy licensor—this is where all the legal stuff becomes complicated. They’ve been content marketing since 1987. Our evaluation looks at factors including playability, safety, and fit with the LEGO brand. Updates add to your original submission, and are shown in the Updates tab.These updates must refine or improve your initial concept, but not change its nature. LEGO Ideas does not arbitrate conflicts between team members. All you have to do is follow this simple process to support projects on LEGO Ideas. Product Idea.
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