Worst Subaru Impreza Problems #1: Sudden Unintended Acceleration 2012 Impreza Average Cost to Fix: $4,000 Average Mileage: 40,000 mi. The 2015 Subaru Impreza has 66 problems & defects reported by Impreza owners. Fiabilité de la marque Subaru, retrouvez les pannes et problèmes récurrentes sur Subaru ... Subaru Impreza WRX (1992-2001) : la … The tires are a problem. Both these factors mean that you could need to find a new brake kit for each side of the front of the car.If you’re looking at buying a Subaru from 2004 then be aware that there is a known fault with the Check the service history. The total sales of the 2019 Subaru Impreza in the United States are 82,366 units .
If you continue to use this site, you consent to this use of cookies.For more information on how we collect and use this information, please review our Front ¾ vehicle photos © 1986-2018 Autodata, Inc. dba Chrome Data. Les concessionnaires seront invités à mettre à jour le logiciel du véhicule afin de régler cette situation. Subaru se voit forcer de lancer deux campagnes de rappels concernant des problèmes reliés au moteur de deux véhicules, le Crosstrek et l’Impreza. La campagne concerne ici l’unité de contrôle du moteur (ECM) qui peut continuer à fournir du courant à la bobine d’allumage alors que le moteur est éteint. "CarComplaints.com" ®, "Autobeef", "What's Wrong With YOUR Car?" Auto123. En fait, on parle de deux problèmes distincts qui ont chacun pour conséquence un…Le groupe FCA procède au rappel de la Pacifica hybride en raison d’un risque d’incendie. are trademarks of Autobeef LLC, All rights reserved. Our list of 15 known complaints reported by owners can help you fix your 2007 Subaru Impreza. The strangest thing started happening about two years ago. Articles publiés par En fait, on parle ici d’unités qui sont équipées de valves en aluminium à la hauteur du système de récupération des gaz du carter moteur (PCV Valve). Les concessionnaires seront appelés à inspecter et remplacer la valve PCV au besoin. About once a month I would start the car, put it in drive and it would leak a little tranny fluid.
Believe it or not, the Subaru Impreza has a legacy stretching back all the way to 1992. Our list of 26 known complaints reported by owners can help you fix your Subaru Impreza. Is it time to move on? 2,5 L (2008-2014), monté dans les Forester, Legacy, Outback, WRX et STI. "CarComplaints.com" ®, "Autobeef", "What's Wrong With YOUR Car?" PPMY Index = 35 / … A less than reputable seller may try to mod a standard car to look like a higher spec model. The timing belt has been done twice, and it has an AUTOMATIC reman tranny (80,000 miles). If that doesn’t make you feel old, then realise that this vehicle is now on its fifth generation, making it a true stalwart of the Subaru range. Welcome to The Subaru Forums! We use cookies to analyze & improve your experience, & to personalize content and ads.
J'avais exactement le même problème que toi, il faut remplacer par un radiateur en aluminium ! VAT No.
The worst complaints are AC / heater, brakes, and clutch problems.
_____ - Subaru Impreza 2.5 WRX 2006 230CV FLAT-4 AWD # SOLD - Subaru Alcyone SVX 3.3i 1994 230CV FLAT-6 AWD - Subaru XV 2.0i Premium 2014 150CV FLAT-4 AWD sub4ever, Fondateur & Administrateur Subaru Passion Subaru un jour, Subaru toujours ! The 2010 Subaru Impreza has 55 problems & defects reported by Impreza owners. Prix de l'entretien auto pour SUBARU IMPREZA. Overall the worst problem category is Click on the graph bars for more details about a specific model year.Bump the Impreza problem graphs up another notch. Problem with your Subaru Impreza? However, as with all cars it is not immune to faults, so here are some of the main red flags to look out for when on the hunt for a second hand Impreza.Due to problems with the underpowered brakes you could find that the suspension on your second hand Impreza has taken something of a hammering over the years. We don't sell/share your email.
Subaru a émis deux rappels distincts touchant quelque 33 000 véhicules vendus au Canada. I needed to replace two of them after driving through normal city conditions (potholes) after only 6 months and they are expensive! Afin de l'ajouter à votre profil, vous devrez vous connecter. are trademarks of Autobeef LLC, All rights reserved. Get answers and make your voice heard!CarComplaints.com ® is an online automotive complaint resource that uses graphs to show automotive defect patterns, based on complaint data submitted by visitors to the site. It is a champ. Invité Posté le 16/05/2007 à 22:41:27 ; 0 . Here are total complaints by model year for the Subaru Impreza. Le problème concerne les connexions au système de batterie à 12 volts.Ford procède à trois rappels distincts qui couvrent au total quelque 40 000 véhicules.
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