Usually what you see when uke is falling by himself, nage is not getting any feedback in the moment of entering into the technique, because uke is anticipating nage movements very early and following hypothetical path of the technique without any threat from nage side. Whether or not uke decides to take a fall, and no matter to what degree they resist before choosing to fall, nage can readily tell the difference between that they have caused and what uke has caused. That's why Ueshiba was furious at Ohba Hideo, in the famous demonstration at the 10th anniversary of the "founding" of Manchukuo.
You see Yonekawa Shigemi taking falls in the 1936 Osaka video that would do one of Watanabe sensei's uke proud. Per the Aikido Journal article regarding him, he stated that "Ueshiba was a little stiff but he knew then he was in the presence of a true master." And from there it is pretty simply to tell whether they are falling away from, or resisting, or whether you've kept their balance and remain connected the whole time.Funny how these threads evolve.
, , , Strangely it seems to me that he was as if unaware of being caught on camera. This video is unavailable. Part of the problem with Judo shiai is that it is often a waiting game - it is rarely technique on first contact. thxI do not think I have ever seen a video of Ueshiba in which his uke do not "tank. What is significant is that Ueshiba was absolutely furious with him until he was mollified by the praise of a well-known naginata teacher, who, essentially said that she'd never seen something so "for real."
Njegov oče Yoroku Ueshiba je bil vaški starešina.
The skill here is positioning, setting up and not committing to the technique when the time is not right.
He's like a black hole drawing all mental energies into himself. "A friend of mine, Antoine Camilleri, wrote to me regarding this set of tapes:I'm surprised at how sprightly his footwork was at 85 yrs of age! And they always blame others when their techniques miserably fails.Most aikidoka I work with who come from training environments that insist on strong uke feedback are also full of themselves and very arrogant, but are also very stiff and don't really do aikido.But we are not practicing aikido to get high level of fitting into nage technique, isn't it? For the sake of discussion (and my sanity), can somebody please post a couple of video examples of "resisting" uke that leads to "effective martial training" from nage, as opposed to uke that "tanks". Its not a difficult thing.This is not true at all.
What is significant is that Ueshiba was absolutely furious with him until he was mollified by the praise of a well-known naginata teacher, who, essentially said that she'd never seen something so "for real." Morihei Ueshiba Morihei Ueshiba (1883 - 1969) Utemeljitelj aikida Video YouTube.
Setting up the batter to expect a different pitch from the one actually being thrown is a substantial part of the art of pitching. A series of close moments with O Sensei the year before he died. *You* might not be able to hit his fastball, but plenty of his peers could. I have heard that there are some never before seen footage in the store of Hombu Dojo too.
In the Ueshiba clips for sure uke were diving for the old man but one would hope that lessons could still be learnt while looking closely. . Per the Aikido Journal article regarding him, he stated that "Ueshiba was a little stiff but he knew then he was in the presence of a true master." OHba, thinking it a mark of respect, attacked for real.
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