Pakistan’s population has … These are: Pashto, Punjabi, Urdu, Sindhi, Saraiki, and Balochi.
The territory that now constitutes Pakistan was the site of several Pakistan gained independence in 1947 as a homeland for Indian Muslims following the Some of the earliest ancient human civilisations in South Asia originated from areas encompassing present-day Pakistan.The Mughals introduced Persian literature and high culture, establishing the roots of The gradual decline of the Mughal Empire in the early 18th century enabled the The Muslim League slowly rose to mass popularity in the 1930s amid fears of under-representation and neglect of British As the cabinet mission failed, the British government announced its intention to end the In the riots that accompanied the partition in Punjab Province, it is believed that between 200,000 and 2,000,000The creation of Pakistan was never fully accepted by many British leaders, among them A significant result of the efforts of the Jamaat-i-Islami and the Independent researchers estimate that between 300,000 and 500,000 civilians died during this period while the Bangladesh government puts the number of dead at three million,Pakistan is the only country to have been created in the name of Islam.The Objectives Resolution in March 1949, which declared God as the sole sovereign over the entire universe, represented the first formal step to transform Pakistan into an Islamic state.However, Pakistan's pan-Islamist sentiments for a united Islamic bloc called Islamistan were not shared by other Muslim governments,The strongest opposition to the Islamist ideological paradigm being imposed on the state came from the Bengali Muslims of East PakistanIn 1977, after taking power from Bhutto in a coup d'état, General Geologically, Pakistan is located in the Indus–Tsangpo Suture Zone and overlaps the Pakistan is divided into three major geographic areas: the northern highlands, the The climate varies from tropical to temperate, with arid conditions in the coastal south. Pakistan urban population for 2019 was 79,927,762, a 2.72% increase from 2018. Pakistan has one of the highest birth rates of 22 births per 1,000 people. The population density in Pakistan is 287 per Km 2 (742 people per mi 2).
The current population density of Pakistan in 2020 is 277.47 people per square kilometer, a 2% increase from 2019.; The population density of Pakistan in 2019 was 272.03 people per square kilometer, a 2.04% increase from 2018. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100.
[398] [399] The current growth rate and employment trend indicate that Pakistan's Information Communication Technology (ICT) industry will exceed the $10-billion mark by 2020…
"Includes data for Pakistani territories of Kashmir; Petraglia, Michael D.; Allchin, Bridget (2007), "Human evolution and culture change in the Indian subcontinent", in Michael Petraglia, Bridget Allchin, Metcalf, B.; Metcalf, T. R. (9 October 2006), A Concise History of Modern India (2nd ed. Chart and table of Pakistan population density from 1950 to 2020. If it did not make any effort to slow down its population increase, then there would actually be 49.13 million MORE people in the country than the current reports. - Mots-clefs: démographie, pyramide de population, pyramide des âges, vieillissement, retraites, Pakistan, 2020. It is a member of the UN and is a major non-NATO ally.Pakistan’s population has exploded in the past 60 years.
Other indicators visualized on maps: (In English only, for now) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19) Religion Nombre d'adeptes Pourcentage de la population totale; Islam: 202 858 684: 96.5 %: Hindouisme: 3 994 109: 1.9 %: Сhristianisme: 3 363 460: 1.6 %
... Muslim Population By Country 2020 by Population 2020.
Officially known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is bordered by India, Afghanistan, Iran, and China.Pakistan has the sixth largest standing armed forces in the world.
Independent groups have estimated the Pakistani Ahmadiyya population to be somewhere between 2 million and 5 million Ahmadis. Pakistan urban population for 2018 was 77,810,763, a 2.7% increase from 2017. The country’s official language is actually English, and the national language is Urdu. The population of Pakistan is expected to grow by 3,766,000 in 2020 and reach 212,107,000 in 2021.
There is a The diversity of the landscape and climate in Pakistan allows a wide variety of trees and plants to flourish. (These numbers are according to the National Institute of Population Studies.
Population Pyramids: Pakistan - 2020. So, the need for the current hour is that as a nation we all contribute to controlling it. As of May 2020, Pakistan has about 82 million internet users, making it the 9th-largest population of Internet users in the world. This number came from a report that was published by the World Bank in 2012. )In addition, the median age is only 23.8 years of age.To break this down even more specifically, the population of Pakistan grew, on average, at a rate of 3 percent per year from 1951 until the middle of the 1980’s decade. by Rohan Bedi April 2006The 1998 Pakistani census states that there are 291,000 (0.22%) Ahmadis in Pakistan. Population of Pakistan: today, historical, and projected population, growth rate, immigration, median age. That being said, women in Pakistan still face much discrimination due to the patriarchal society common in Pakistan. According to this theory, the Hindu minority in Pakistan was to be given a fair deal in Pakistan in order to ensure the protection of the Muslim minority in India.I do not agree that religion is a private affair of the individual nor do I agree that in an Islamic state every citizen has identical rights, no matter what his caste, creed or faith be.
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