(Before that it was controlled by the Ottoman empire, not the Palestinian people.)
Claude Lanzmann directed this 9 and a half hour documentary about the Holocaust without using a single frame of archive footage.
The cities and villages they’d come from were extremely hostile to them (years of racist propaganda + their former neighbors often claimed their houses and business in their absence and did not wish to return them; there were cases of Jews, sole survivors of their families, returning to their home villages only to be murdered by their neighbors upon arrival.) i dont even need to watch the doc.
Would we not expect that being rounded up and moved into an ever shrinking area of land, to trigger some debate over the legitimacy of the people doing the rounding up?That Israel, is not the source of that debate (despite the apparent conflict of interest) doesn’t fit comfortably with its claim to be a modern, liberal democracy.
At the end of WWII, the UN drafted a two-state agreement which would create BOTH an Israeli state and a Palestinian one, with Jerusalem as “international territory”. Guess you all you want you dumb shit still you dont know shit. This detail is doubted by former inmate Sam Pivnik.‘We were made to be scrupulously clean at all times in Auschwitz III work-camps, and you risked a severe beating if you got dirty,’ Pivnik says.‘The SS were terrified of typhus outbreaks and the prisoners’ uniforms, bedding and barracks were endlessly disinfected and deloused.’ ”From – ‘Did this British PoW really smuggle himself into Auschwitz to expose the Holocaust… or is his account pure fantasy and an insult to millions who died there?’Maybe they should have asked that question about his ludicrous stories a few years ago before the British government awarded him a commendation as a ‘Hero’ and the Holocaust Industry jumped on it like it was the word of God.Oddly his tales are almost identical to those of a book by another POW Charles Coward, and the cover of that book refers to Coward as ‘The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz’ – the exact title of Mr. Avey’s book.I wonder if Coward’s tales will be seriously reviewed for logical retardation after all this time as a result of this?Probably not, his story has been supported for too long now.Well I don’t have links handy to find the exact testimonies right now so I will digress for the moment on that, but any claim that their ‘confessions’ didn’t contain obvious lies is verging on delusional.I know for a fact at least two confessions involved tales of ‘blood geysers’ shooting out of the ground from bodies beneath, mountains of ash and the cremations of up to 2,000 bodies in under 20 minutes.I can barely cook a few hot-dogs in 20 minutes, using only wood and coke fuel on an outdoor improvised grill system to burn 2,000 human bodies made mostly of water in that time doesn’t require any scientific knowledge to be laughed at(but the science laughs too).The top Nazi doctor on trial at Nuremberg stated specifically he witnessed the ‘blue’ corpses of victims of CARBON MONOXIDE poisoning in the gas chambers.For such a highly regarded doctor to make such a blatant error such as forgetting that CO poisoning produces a pink tinge and suffocation produces blueness is beyond understandable, it should have been basic knowledge for him.And a mining engineer like Gerstein claiming to witness diesel engines in use for killing when it is common knowledge even back then in the mining industry that only diesel engines could be used safely in the mines due to their LOW LEVELS OF CO PRODUCTION, and high oxygen content in the exhaust which dilutes the CO further.For sources and actual testimony reviews from a revisionist perspective check CODOH –NOTE: CODOH was founded by Bradley Smith, his cousin was Audrey Young who was married to Billy Wilder – a film director who helped the U.S Psychological Warfare Department(PWD) invent the Holocaust extermination myths, as is detailed here:“How many inmates were actually de-loused?
I hold BA In Mechanical Engineering what degree do you have motherfucker?You lost me at the heading, the stated Black and Asian people being murdered in the WW2 Holocaust, factually incorrect. Thus we have two problems because of the position we are in:-1) The opportunity to provide a more benign outlet for the frustration of the vast majority of (balanced and reasonable) Palestinians is removed creating an almost mandatory funnel towards radicalism; and2) The unnecessary loss of freedom to speak our mind for the largely uninvolved citizens of the liberal societies.Clearly the situation is now so entrenched, emotive and linked to saving face, that it is beyond the parties to be more than passengers or spectators as this political train wreck happens in slow motion.Despite all the chatter of the Western liberals, radicals, Palestinians, other nations and Israel, the collective positions that each are now locked into holding will force each player to act out a their part in the scene just like wild animals driven by instinct. Every morning the prisoners were lined up and would head out to the forests or to fields to do a number of ‘activities’. The Israelis I’ve talked to have all said they want peace.
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