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I say ferociously chaotic as these are not the chip-off-the-old-block tearaways that you find in films such as Francois Truffaut’s However, amidst all of this nihilistic expediency, some alliances prove to be longer lasting. Passe ton Bach d'abord 2021. For his fifth feature film, Maurice Pialat returned to northern France to take a second look at the disaffected youth that inspired him to make his first full-length film The film revolves around a group of working class kids.
Passe ton bac d'abord (1979) réalisé par Maurice Pialat.
Like most other countries, France has a long history of what can only be called sexual farces. We see it not only in the relationship between Philippe and Elisabeth’s mother but also in the comical attempts of a local café owner to seduce a teenager and the philosophy teacher’s lustful interest in Elizabeth ; Everyone wants a taste of the possibilities of youth and yet the young themselves seem to have very few possibilities open to them.You can almost imagine it carved onto the side of a tombIn the final act, the film’s cyclical structure reveals itself more clearly. It has a ring of parental authority to it that is almost completely absent from the actual film. Newsletter; Contact; Bénévoles; Les Amis de l’EBT; Partenaires; Google translation. The implication is two-fold :Pialat’s a-theoretical vision of life is beautifully complemented by the stark and yet strangely geometrical cinematography of Pierre-William Glenn and Jean-Paul Janssen. Graduate First (French: Passe ton bac d'abord) is a 1978 French drama film directed by Maurice Pialat and starring Sabine Haudepin. Initially, Elisabeth is pleased and rewards her mother with a smile and a kiss. The film is set in the north of France, in Lens, in a region profoundly affected by unemployment – the students, from modest backgrounds, try to forget their fears of what tomorrow will bring. We first encounter the group in gym class. It has a ring of parental authority to it that is almost completely absent from the actual film. Fiche détaillée de Passe ton bac d'abord - Blu-ray réalisé par Maurice Pialat et avec Sabine Haudepin, Philippe Marlaud, Annick Alane, Michel Caron, Christian Bouillette. Aged around 19, they are all in the final year of the French school system and are all – with varying degrees of commitment – hoping to achieve their baccalaureate. ... Sortie en France : 28/08/1979.
Dans le Nord de la France, à Lens, on suit, durant quelques semaines, l’histoire de quelques élèves et de leur professeur de philosophie. Their relationships and alliances are fluid and seemingly driven entirely by passing whims.
Synopsis. Tous les mois, retrouvez le cinéma comme vous ne l’avez jamais lu avec des descriptifs sur les sorties de films, des reportages et des interviews exclusives. Aside from more lightweight films such as Olivier Assayas’“Passe Ton Bac D’Abord” is an interesting title. Analyse. Film de Maurice PIALATSabine HAUDEPIN et Jean-François ADAM L'information sur le film, genre, classement, durée, photos, bande-annonce, synopsis et critiques des usagers. De leurs côtés, les amis d'Elizabeth ne révisent guère plus leur bac.
“Passe Ton Bac D’Abord” is an interesting title. Passe ton bac d'abord, un film de Maurice Pialat | Synopsis : En 1979, dans le Nord de la France, Elisabeth, lycéenne à Lens prépare son baccalauréat sans grand enthousiasme, consciente du … Elisabeth is asking another boy to buy her a drink, while he heads to the bar she goes over and says hello to Patrick. Film de Maurice PIALATvalérie CHASSIGNEUX et Bernard TRONCZYCK Passe ton bac d'abord. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. And yet, Pialat refuses to allow his film to fall into a pro-education object lesson, as within seconds of the teacher finishing his speech, a now-pregnant Elisabeth is rolling her eyes and talking about how much school bores her. Synopsis : A Lens, un groupe d'adolescents prepare le baccalaureat sans entrain. The film closes with a number of the same kids sitting in that same philosophy class with the wedding sequence sitting precisely at the film’s half-way mark. Celui-ci est accueilli chaleureusement et Elisabeth devient même jalouse des bonnes relations qui s'établissent entre sa mère et Philippe.
Bernard (Bernard Tronczak) is dating one girl but has been spending his time seducing another. For all of their evasiveness, the kids have not escaped the system, merely wasted a year before returning to it. It has also proved to be hugely influential.
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