That's not just an emphasis for how cool they are, mind!
The original post can be viewed on Satisfactory's Discord and Reddit. Satisfactory is a big and complex game that can be expanded and refined for a very long time and we believe that there is a community of factory builders out in the world that would love to join us to create this beast of a game together. Read more Feature Construct. We expect this migration to take a couple days. So go ahead and scroll down there if you don’t have the time!
This patch was released on March 25, 2020. ... Update 3 Patch Notes: Early Access (EXPERIMENTAL) – v0.3.4.1 – Build 119646. We expect this migration to take a couple days.
Patch Notes: Early Access - v0.3.4.16 - Build 124066. This patch was released on May 11, 2020. Satisfactory has moved from the Alpha Test Weekend to Early Access, and Coffee Stain has released their patch notes that cover all that has changed since then.
The time is finally here! ( And we got the first hotfix going up for our patch to Experimental. The original post can be viewed on Satisfactory's Discord or on Reddit. On August 18th, 2020, Gamepedia's back-end media host will be migrating. Patch Notes: Early Access (EXPERIMENTAL) - v0.3.3.5 - Build 118201. We’ve got another patch coming up before the weekend, with some small Join Game UI changes, bug fixes, and the latest translations.
We’ll go ahead and post them here in their entirety, and then give a TL;DR at the bottom. During the migration process, uploads and re-uploads will be disabled. During the migration process, uploads and re-uploads will be disabled. Intro [edit | edit source] Hi Pioneers! Intro [edit | edit source] Hi Pioneers! After over a month of being on the Epic Games Store, Satisfactory has received its first major content update. This patch was released on June 5, 2020. Hey everyone! Let us know if you encounter any issues with the new version and I hope you all are having a good time with the game. Edit: This version is now also live on Early Access.
Apr 15 Masonzero . As usual, let us know on the questions site if anything is breaking or you have feedback on the game! Posts from the developers of Satisfactory. And the changes they introduce to Satisfactory are significant.
We’ve gotten to experience several small weekly patches, and a … We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Satisfactory Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. The Industrial Fluid Buffer and the Fluid Freight Platform now have a 2400 capacity. Patch Notes: Early Access - v0.3.3.6 - Build 121635. This patch was released on June 5, 2020. Official Patch Notes.
The Satisfactory Update 3 Patch Notes have arrived and they're positively A.W.E.S.O.M.E. The most notable change is that you should now always get resource refunds from Mass-Dismantle into your inventory if there is space. This patch was released on March 25, 2020. Thanks for your patience.
Patch Notes francais Satisfactory (EXPERIMENTAL) - v0.3.4.9 - Build 121997 Une nouvelle mise à jour arrive sur la version Expérimentale. The original post can be viewed on Satisfactory's Discord. Patch Notes: Early Access - v0.3.4.16 - Build 124066. Patch Notes: Early Access (EXPERIMENTAL) - v0.3.3.5 - Build 118201. A new "A.W.E.S.O.M.E." system is one of the many new features being added to the game — and that's not even the biggest news. Satisfactory Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Satisfactory News: A community site for tutorials, guides, and updates for Satisfactory, a factory building game by Coffee Stain Studios. We’ve got a tiny patch coming to Experimental now to test some more small fixes we have done, before they go on Early Access. On August 18th, 2020, Gamepedia's back-end media host will be migrating.
You can find all the details in the patch notes, it’s a whole lot of resources, building changes, building additions, and more. → Satisfactory Satisfactory Dev Tracker All Posts All Patch Notes Twitter YouTube News Reddit View All Patch Notes Twitter YouTube News Reddit View 0 Posts today. 7 Posts in … Satisfactory Patch Notes v0.1.5 (Experimental) Apr 30 Masonzero . Nothing major, just a few tweaks and last bug fixes for this week.
Thanks for your patience. There are also plenty of other notes about the new update in the official patch notes from Coffee Stain Studios, which you can find below. We’ve got a tiny patch coming to Experimental now to test some more small fixes we have done, before they go on Early Access. A single hotfix is sneaking its way onto the Early Access version, since a nasty crash/freeze on load has become more prominent.
We’ve also added a way for you to sink your excess resources and get something in return via the A.W.E.S.O.M.E.
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