However, the arriving alien warlord Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He also seems to have a very serious and unadorned frame of mind, being visibly annoyed when Thor refused to take him seriously when they first met. Can you hear them? Surtur was the ruler of Muspelheim, prophesied to be the one to initiate Ragnarök. " The Eternal Flame and the sword, Odin! Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Clancy Brown as Surtur. He is the archenemy of both Odin and Beta Ray Bill. So who is this fiery fellow and what, exactly, does Ragnarok mean? He is an immense fire demon and the Lord of Muspelheim (a realm filled with fire as befits his base), who is prophesied to bring forth the cataclysmic event known as Ragnarök - where he will destroy Asgard. Surtur boasts that Asgard will soon be destroyed in the prophesied Ragnarök , once Surtur unites his crown with the Eternal Flame that burns beneath the city. Thor : Surtur! In fact, he didn't even take time to notice that there were no people on Asgard and Thor had Loki revived him to destroy the now near-invincible Hela; he didn't even bother to escape from the incoming destruction and instead decides to accept his fate being incinerated, implying that he's willing to forsake his life to achieve his goal or that he only wants to destroy Asgard's physical world. Two years after the Battle of Sokovia, Thor had been unsuccessfully searching for the Infinity Stones, and was now imprisoned by the Fire Demon Surtur. You have spoken of power!
[a chained Thor is dropped from his cage to face Surtur in his throne] Surtur : Thor, son of Odin. [rotates again] Surtur claims that he will soon destroy Asgard when he unites his crown with the Eternal Flame that Odin, after taking it from Surtur millennia ago, locked in the vaults of Asgard. While Thor, Loki, Valkyrie and Hulk can safely evacuate the Asgardian citizens in one of the Though Surtur accomplished Ragnarök and destroyed Asgard in death, his path of destruction was nothing but in vain as Thor have evacuated all of the Asgardians and planned to transport them to Earth as their new home. Surtur was successfully defeated by Odin who stole from him the source of his power, the Eternal Flame, before banishing him and his entire race to Muspelheim. After Odin went missing following the Second Dark Elf Conflict, a weakened Surtur intended to finally start Ragnarök, only to be defeated and killed by Thor. In his search for answers regarding the Infinity Stones, Thor is captured in Muspelheim and brought before Surtur. In January 2014, Marvel announced that Craig Kyle and Christopher Yostwould write the screenplay for a third film, with Feige again producing; the story was be… Due to his nature as a god, Surtur is immortal until completing the prophecy of Ragnarök and immensely powerful. [wields his sword] „ ~ Surtur to Odin.. Surtur is a being of pure evil and the enemy of the Asgardian pantheon in Marvel comics, a monstrous demon of apocalyptic proportions he is one of Thor's most powerful main opponents in his native realm.
[a chained Thor is dropped from his cage to face Surtur in his throne] Furthermore, with Thor's absence, he has left the realm open for attacks.
However, Thor escapes his imprisonment and is able to defeat Surtur and This calls forth Surtur, who immediately starts annihilating Asgard by impaling his own blade into the land, killing Hela and the remaining Berserkers in the process. Producer Kevin Feige stated that the next Thor would build from elements at the end of The Dark World. He is portrayed via motion capture by the film's director He seems to be solely and completely committed to his destiny to give birth to Ragnarök by destroying Asgard. In the final moment of the latest trailer for Thor: Ragnarok, we learn that classic Thor villain Surtur will play a role in MArvel's anticipated sequel.It was later revealed that he will be voiced by classic superhero voiceover actor, Clancy Brown, a revelation that just got fans even more excited about his impending face-off with the Odinson and Incredible Hulk.
They call to one another! The Fire Lord taunts Thor and reveals to his captive that his father, Odin, no longer rules Asgard. [rotates away from Surtur briefly] [points at the crown] While promoting the release of Thor: The Dark World in October 2013, Chris Hemsworth expressed willingness to portraying Thor for as long as "people wanted more", adding that he was contracted for another Thor film and two more Avengers films. He is an immense fire demon and the Lord of Muspelheim (a realm filled with fire as befits his base), who is prophesied to bring forth the cataclysmic event known as Ragnarök - where he will destroy Asgard. However, he is remarkably patient with Thor's speeches and well-behaved at the start of the film. Surtur is the overarching antagonist in the 2017 Marvel film Thor: Ragnarok. Now feel the might of Surtur in his glory! Due to his nature as a god, Surtur is immortal until completing the prophecy of Ragnarök and immensely powerful. The giant fire monster is named Surtur, and he is one of the classic villains from the Thor comics.
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