the last of us ellie and riley

As she prepared the horse for the ride, Ellie asked her if she was acting out on purpose to get kicked out of the school. Ellie managed to sneak up and surprised Riley as she was about to leave the building. Riley told Ellie she did not want to be stuck in general population, where she would be treated worse and given less in rations. Three weeks prior to the events to meeting Upon exiting the school, they encountered a patrol and ducked inside an abandoned building for cover. Marlene convinced Ellie that she knew her mother, Disillusioned, Riley followed Ellie out of the sewer and back onto the surface. She told Ellie that the Infected continued to appeared in the zone more than the military let on, and they were lying to the population. One of the smugglers grabbed her by her hood, stopping her. I real?y hope Naughty Dog meant to do that because that is REALLY clever! The Last Of Us made me feel fatherly feelings for Ellie (despite a rather young age (18) ) and so I despise any kind of sexualisation of her character. Ellie continued to press the issue until Riley relinquished the Walkman and insulted her taste in music. She hit the ground, unconscious, and was taken on the order of Riley argued against the order, stating she wanted to join the Fireflies. What if? However, Ellie did not, learning that she was somehow immune and later made her way to Marlene. Riley laughed at his advice, saying that she would have to be caught in order to be in trouble. Climbing down from the rooftops, Riley and Ellie took refuge in an alley behind a dumpster. As a part of her initiation ceremony, Riley was ordered to kill someone who had become infected. Ellie was born sometime between 2018 and 2019, by which time fungal pandemic had spread throughout America. Ellie senza possibilità di difendersi riesce a nascondersi dietro le quinte del teatro seguita da Abby e Lev (un giovane ragazzo ex membro gruppo dei serafiti schierato con Abby). Mentre viene preparata per l’intervento, Joel si avvicina alla sala operatoria e fugge via con Ellie, dopo aver ucciso l'equipe medico e Marlene. She wanted to be free from the whole system. They finally enter the mall Riley brought her to when they first met. If Ellie won she had a chance to ask one of three questions. Dopo non aver ricevuto alcuna informazione e scioccata per aver scoperto la gravidanza della donna, Ellie ritorna al teatro insieme a Jesse e Tommy ritrovato da quest’ultimo. Surprised by the collection of Halloween decorations inside, Riley spied a werewolf mask and ordered Ellie to put it on. She threatened to shoot Marlene if she did not move away from Riley, firing one round when the woman tried to dissuade her. Remember how they didn’t say much about how Ellie ended up with the fireflies? Ellie caught up to her and the two argued over the things Riley said to her before she left. Riley merely told Ellie she had a surprise for her and refused to provide a solid answer. Winston mounted his horse and ordered Riley return to the school, before heading off to find his unit. When she was a little girl, her father was infected with Riley noted that Ellie had “serious trust issues” and spotted the zone’s authority figure immediately afterward. On the other side of the mall, Riley decided that they should toss bricks at the windows of blue and red cars down below. Riley attempted to recall that day, but Ellie demanded to know why she brought her here.

Riley hesitated before she finally conceded and allowed Ellie to follow her. Ellie grabbed her arm and pulls the sleeve away to reveal no bite marks or punctures. Her belief in the Firefly creed drove her to rebel against the military and fight to join their cause. Her shout alerted the military to their presence, forcing them to run when fired upon. She feigned innocence when they return, sitting on the ground and reading a magazine. Ellie would mention Riley a few times during her journeys with Like most children born after the outbreak, Riley had to learn to become self-sufficient after the death of her family. She suggested that they run away and leave the zone in search of another place for them both.

Riley brushed her fear off in a show of bravado, but admitted she was scared when Ellie hugs her. Riley attempted to console Ellie with some idea of hope after she threw a fit and destroyed several flower pots with a pipe. Taking an alternate route, they exited the room through an open window. They ducked under a broken blockade, Riley got ahead of Ellie and was immediately ambushed from the side. However, much like the world she lives in, she would take or steal from others without consideration to their situation and deny her actions if caught. Marlene refused to listen to her despite Riley affirming that she wanted to help her organisation restore democracy and save the city.

Nel corso di questi anni il rapporto tra Joel e Ellie vacilla, perché la ragazza è convinta più che mai che Joel le abbia mentito, seppur l’uomo continui a non dirle la verità. Riley convinces Ellie to leave the quarantine zone.Riley remained on her own for six weeks and made no contact with Ellie.

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the last of us ellie and riley