That he was allowing the child abuse for the greater good of humanity and the organisation. This is not the experience I had. I’ve read Watchtower & Awake for many years. Also, discourage furthering educations. Lev. It is published in 209 languages around the globe with a monthly circulation of a massive 45 million copies.
Some parts of the publication really have information relevant for everyone – students, employees, employee, children, adults, men, women, believers or not. Mit der TopModel Zeitschrift erhalten Kinder und Jugendliche kindgerechte Inhalte, die sich überwiegend mit den Themen Mode, Glamour, Beauty und Kreativität beschäftigen.
Since then I’ve only been getting better.
Many are seeking counselling!!! WBTS is run by 7 old farts in NY who make up rules and policies while lying under oath about said rules and policies. I’m completely against any type of abuse! I had to be part of this throughout my childhood. Is it bothering you?
Being accepted for who areas Jesus said to love your neighbor a yourself, how are the JW’s doing that when they shun their own family members?? Try it. Have you finally pinpointed another religion that is diligently preaching the good news of the kingdom?
I thought Jesus already came back invisibly?People magazine is about celebrities, change the name to me , myself and I , a magazine about people should not be about worshipping them or worrying who’s cheating on who , there’re plenty of real hard working people out there who deserve to be recognized not only rich with a itch ?Preceding Acts 1:8 you’ll notice st. That should be at ^ … And yo should be you.I was of a different faith in 1974 and one day in Hong Kong, a couple knocked on my door. That’s what I do with the WT magazines. Even politicians today recognize the power of face to face interaction. It was started in the year 1972 and has targeted the adult population since then. They’re mandatory for the 8 million cult members of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Or maybe you still believe in all the goodie promises Jehovah had penned in the Bible. It has around 3.5 million annual subscriptions all over the world and is read by millions of others. 1922 Mar 1 pg 73.So many passages but no time for me to write …. Indeed, God encourages us to ask questions. Take care tough guy!Jws only read watchtower magazines.why made an effort to protect your neighbors from magazines they dont read?Jehovah’s witnesses shun any who leave….that means they are treated as dead. Watch. Such bad experiences can affect our view of God, since adults are usually the ones who should care for us and direct us to him. No wonder if there happens to be a deficit, it is covered by the member of the group compulsorily and in a faithful manner.
It is published by the Jehovah’s Witnesses through the Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Its purpose is given in its mission statement: “This magazine, The Watchtower, honors Jehovah God, the Ruler of the universe. These are clearly false prophecies. Too bad he is not your mediator.Hello. Neben spannenden TOPModel-Geschichten beinhaltet das Kreativ-Magazin auch coole DIY-Ideen, tolle Styling- und Beautytipps und ist somit ein absolutes Must-Have für alle jungen Mädchen! GOD BLESS you in what you doI believe some people have been molested. It is now being preached world wide. !As someone who grew up as a witness, I have been consistently active/inactive. If you need to have spiritual insight and freedom, If you need to have a place for Jesus in your worship, and if you believe that the Christian Gospel needs to transform the way we think, the way we live, the way we talk and the way we treat one another just visit You must be talking about the Catholics. Was abused in it. and did not Jesus teach his followers about this kingdom… and expected it to be spread earth wide…. Only Jehovah really knows us. Please remember Jehovah is perfect, not the members of this organization, and for this, we (at least I) remain humble.The reason I left was because I WOKE UP to the TRUTH. .. That’s the only thing there’s much too little of.
Wow, talk about narrow minded! Still these two magazines, Watchtower & Awake was in #1 & #2 places then as it is now. Acts 5:42 shows they would enter every house.
I am free to think for myself and read, watch and listen to various religious beliefs and learn more about myself and my relationship with God. If any has Offended you genuinely, approach him and respectfully air your greviances.But also a VERY large percentage of uneducated part time janitors and window washers that are experts in collecting unemployment and govt assistance even though they disavow their govt and refuse to show respect to their country.They show respect to their country and that is why they give Caesars things to Caesar by paying taxes e.t.c. Well, it’s never too late to resume!You will be in a much better position. The Watchtower religion doesn’t want you to learn real facts as it uncovers their lies. The Elders are supposed to be the Shepherds and protectors of the flock, not harboring child predators!Tom, shunned? Stop spreading your lies about. (Proverbs 20:19; Psalms 15:3)) All this information and more, with Scriptural references, can be found in the pages of the magazines under discussion. And these very people knew that subscription was NOT FREE at that time, they have to pay for the subscription. Its main audience has always been the ladies. National Geographic, Better Homes and Gardens, Good Housekeeping etc.). It’s a pity how cheap one can sell his head.A time to speak and a time to keep quiet! It has a readership of about 4.5 million and is placed 9th in the list.This is the official magazine of the national geographic society and has been published continuously from 1888.
What you brought in is a certain cult that tries to oppose doctrinally all other versions of Christianity and coerce its members to stay in, in fear of shunning. Love or hate them, the witnesses are good people!If you read what people are posting you will see why! And just like in the days of Noah; so too; in the last days..people took no note or notice of the signs of his presence……. Der Fashionratgeber unter den Kinderzeitschriften biet…
It is your own personal choice to have a relationship with him or not.Would you please tell me What is the message you preach?
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