Rose Lavillant Miraculous

Rose Lavillant is a student in Miss Bustier's class at Collège Françoise Dupont. Her outfit is a black jumpsuit and covers her arms, legs, and neck. Keep it up dudeAccidentally selling her soul to the demon prince Chat Noir wasn't the smartest thing Marinette could have done. W ubiorze dziewczyny przeważa kolor różowy. Narrow pink lines go down her puffed sleeves and puffed shorts, and they make a rose design on her chest.

"No dejes que sus palabras rompan tu corazón, para mí eres perfecta tal y como eres Marinette, mi Mari-Hime"La mejor tiradora del mundo, la que me vino a rescatar en mis peores momentos, la chica que había visto como mi enemiga pero fue quien me ayudo a levantarme Kagami Tsurugi.Los personajes son propiedad de Thomas Astruc, excepto por los que son de mi creación que nunca han aparecido en la serie.Cualquier tipo de plagio o copia de esta obra o de cualquiera de mis obras será denunciado.A collection of drabbles with all sorts of characters.In a world dominated by both Humans and Avians, winged beings. It is long and tied back into a rosebud-like bun, (hence her name) and detailed with black horizontal lines and black leaves around the bottom half. Her shoes are high heels, having pink heels and pointed pink tips to her toes. As mentioned by Marinette in her webisode Rose is more open and honest with her feelings not afraid to speak her mind to a guy she likes with Prince Ali. Juleka Couffaine & Rose Lavillant (68) Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug (35) Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant (31) Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe (28) Ivan Bruel/Mylène Haprèle (14) Juleka & Rose (Miraculous Ladybug) (9) Alix Kubdel/Lê Chiến Kim (9) Ivan Bruel & Mylène Haprèle (7) Alya Césaire & Nino Lahiffe (6) Princess Fragrance's skin is a pale green and her sclera are light pink. View Mobile Site Narrow pink lines go down her puffed sleeves and puffed shorts, and they make a rose design on her chest. This is a JOKE FIC made for shits and giggles but to also show you all that double standards suck ass. She also has a pink mini skirt with two white edges at the bottom of the cloth, white leggings, two pink bracelets around her right wrist, and pink dress shoes. Miscellaneous; ... Miraculous Ladybug Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. For some reason, Adrien and Marinette are still virgins. Ela veste uma camisa com mangas rosa claro e frontal superior, rosa e listras brancas na parte da frente, um rosa que tem um projeto da asa dourada pálida e corda amarrada em volta da cintura.

Things start to look up for the large city.But what happens when Avians start disappearing left and right, with only their wingless corpses to be found? Jest ona ubrana w jasnoróżową tunikę z poziomymi paskami w ciemniejszym odcieniu różu. Ela também tem uma mini-saia rosa com duas bordas brancas na parte inferior dos panos, calções brancos, duas pulseiras cor de rosa em torno de seu pulso direito e sapatos cor de rosa. Rose's kind, caring nature has her looking out for Juleka whenever she needs help and support. Prawy nadgarstek zdobi różowymi bransoletkami. Ihre beste Freundin ist Juleka. In "Zombizou", Rose is fairly physically strong as she is able to carry As Princess Fragrance, Rose's perfume bottle becomes a gun that can spray different scents, each with its own unique abilities. Lily starts becoming close to Alya, Nino, and Adrien and Marinette doesn't like the feeling. Elle porte une chemise avec des manches rose clair et un haut sur le devant, des rayures roses et blanches sur le devant, un dos rose qui a un design d'aile d'or pâle, et une ficelle attachée autour de sa taille. Julerose is the femslash ship between Juleka Couffaine and Rose Lavillant from the Miraculous Ladybug fandom. Well, it's going to cause an awful lot of anxiety for one Marinette Dupain-Cheng, is what.

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Rose Lavillant Miraculous