Open it? Furetakunai, samui kedo aitakunai Furue motomeau sonzai wa Tasukete kimi e to Tsuresatte boku ni wa kakugo saetarinai Ai ni kite furetakute toikakete Ai ni kite nakitakute oikakete Open it? This is the door that tests the present: do I break it?
The door that tests even wishes: do I break it? What if I open it? 戻れぬままに眠れ Nakitakunai, kore ijou aitakunai Ai ni kite nakitakute oikakete
I don't want to touch, I'm cold but I don't want to see you これは未来?それとも夢?答えはどこだろう Oshiete boku e to Ce single disponible dans l'album de la chanteuse Faylan intitulé « Prism », arrivera en 39 position à l'Oricon d'après ses statistiques de ventes en 2011. I'll embrace you while forgiving you. Kotoba ni sasare Erabareshi BLOOD TELLER 誰にもとめられない Shinjite kimi kara Or else a dream? Dare ni mo tomerarenai Kore wa mirai soretomo yume? Will my dream not come true? Translation of 'Blood Teller (血液テラ)' by Faylan (Feiran) (飛蘭) from Japanese to English (Version #2) Do I wish for the future? Translation of 'Blood Teller (血液テラ)' by Faylan (Feiran) (飛蘭) from Japanese to English Open it? Kotae wa doko darou? This is the door that tests the present: do I break it? But I wanna live; pile them up, and I'm the blood alienI don't want to cry, I don't want to see you any moreIs this the future? 泣きたくない これ以上会いたくない Lantis Global Channel 1,491,623 views. 50+ videos Play all Mix - Mirai Nikki-Blood Teller [Full with Lyrics] YouTube; 凶夢伝染 歌詞付き - Duration: 4:26. angel beats 2,623,492 views. BUT I WANNA LIVE kasanereba BLOOD ALIEN Blood Teller (Mirai Nikki) song lyrics by AmaLee official. Pile them up, and I'm the Blood Teller: Lyrics from Furetaku nai samui kedo aitaku nai Furue motomeau sonzai ha Ai ni kite furetakute toikakete Dare ni mo jama sasenai: Lyrics from I don't want to touch, I'm cold but I don't want to see you You existence that shivers and seeks another out, I don't want to touch, I'm cold but I don't want to see you. Yurushi nagara dakishimeru Jibun no tamerai ga Lihat lyrics lirik lagu oleh | Mirai Nikki 未来日記 judul | Blood Teller. Blood Teller...Αλληλούϊα = Αλλ - Ιη – Λούϊα-Αλωή Sa parolière est Hata Aki. The lead track Blood teller was used as the first ending theme for the anime Future Diary. Pile them up, and I'm the Blood Teller. Yami no oku de kurikaesu But I wanna live; pile them up, and I'm the blood alienI don't want to cry, I don't want to see you any moreIs this the future? Where is the answer? Mirai Nikki - Blood Teller (Letras y canción para escuchar) - Kokoro ga shinu yo jibun no tamerai ga hikigane ni naru yo / "Tasukete" kimi he to / "Shinjite" kimi kara moreta koe ni yureru / Kiseki wo inorou ka / But I wanna live; pile them up, and I'm the BLOOD ALIEN Where is the answer? Or else a dream? Teokure ni naru sa У матросов - от колена. Blood teller is the 11th single by Faylan. My heart will die, and my own hesitation will be the triggerI don't want to cry, I don't want to see you any moreIs this the future?
Blood teller est un des ending de l'anime Mirai Nikki. This is the door that tests the present: do I break it? You existence that shivers and seeks another out, Where is the answer? Blood teller ending Letra: Kokoro ga shinu yo, Jibun no tamerai ga, Hikigane ni naru yo, Tasukete kimi e to, Shinjite kimi kara, Moreta koe ni yureru. Should I break it or open it? You existence that shivers and seeks … 4:37. Nakitakunai, kore ijou aitakunai BLOOD TELLER Where is the answer? Where is the answer? Αλλ από το ... Got to love you, PZ, each time I looked, I read ... Это Вы сейчас про кого?
I don't want to cry, don't want to see you anymore Pastikan anda video musiknya, foto, mp3. Or else a dream? Nobody will get in your way I wanna stay the chosen BLOOD FOREIGNER
The door that tests even wishes: do I break it? Come see me, ask me questions while wanting to touchDo I wish for the future? Shall we bind ourselves with reason?
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