Shooting at the generator will cause it to explode dealing more damage to the clone.The second type of these clones appears in the vicinity of the hero. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners.Copyright © 2000 - 2020 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. The first kind of clones are those that fire from a distance, for example from the top shelf. S'abonner Suivez Borderlands sur les réseaux sociaux ! Un boss optionnel de Lectra City dans Borderlands 3 est particulièrement infâme en solo, voici un guide avec des astuces et des solutions pour le tuer, que vous soyez en groupe ou en solo. Borderlands 3 has plenty of great boss battles, but some can be a challenge to overcome if you don’t have some strategies going in. Kitagawa Jr. | Opponent in Borderlands 3 Borderlands 3 guide, walkthrough.
Their attack is signaled by attempts to limit your vision. This page of the guide to Borderlands 3 contains the description of the duel with the boss Katagawa Ball. Borderlands 3, compétences, moze, builds, meilleurs compétences, meilleur build, emplacement Nous allons ici vous donner le meilleur build sur le personnage de Moze, l'Artilleuse. Next Tougher opponents The Rampager Prev Tougher opponents Katagawa Ball. Instead, he has an armor bar and two shield bars, making him hard to deal damage to if you don’t have the right equipment.To that end, you’ll want to grab three specific types of equipment for the fight: A shield with a decently speedy recharge rate, a weapon that deals Corrosive damage, and a weapon with a higher ammo count that deals Shock damage.Most all of these can be purchased from Marcus’ weapon shop, or if you’re low on funds, farmed from heavy units in earlier sections of the area.Once you’ve got the requisite items, make your way to the boss area and start the fight.For the first phase, Borderlands 3’s Katagawa Ball will have an armor health bar and three key attacks to watch out for; those being a barrage of missiles, a quad-directional laser attack and rapidly-lobbed explosives.While all of these attacks can rapidly drain your health bar, they can all likewise be avoided by positioning yourself next to any of the computer monitors in the room for cover.Make a beeline to one of these terminals and take cover while Katagawa ball launches his attacks. You can aim directly at the clone or check to see if there is a generator near the clone.
Mount any attacks to deprive him of health and kill him. It is best to use a shotgun to attack these clones.Each katagawa clone has a shield, and you must first get rid of it. an assault rifle or a sniper rifle) and one short range gun (better shotgun).Clones of Katagawa appear in two variants. Use any rifle to attack them. If during the fight you fall and you enter the Fight for Your Life mode, one of the clones should appear near the hero and try to perform a melee attack. This page of the Borderlands 3 guide describes a duel with the Katagawa Jr's boss. Post Comment. Don’t hold back.Once you’ve depleted his first health bar, Katagawa Ball’s second and third health bars will both be shield bars, each of which are weak to Shock damage.He’ll likewise start using an omni-directional laser attack, as well as elemental variants of his lobbed explosive attacks, while pursuing your location more relentlessly.For both of these phases, equip your shock weapon and stay in cover behind the computer monitors until he leaves himself open.
Encountered during Maliwan’s siege on Promethea, the Katagawa Ball boss emerges right after you destroy Katagawa’s space yacht.Though it shouldn’t vastly over-power you if you’ve at least reached level 20, it still has an array of attacks that can quickly drain your shield and health bar if you aren’t careful.Likewise, his health bars don’t actually have any health to deplete.
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