Val gets a call from a woman telling her she has information about Greg and Meg. Gary yells at him for not telling him. Gary has to suspend operations, but Val comforts him and says they still have each other. Gary has to suspend operations, but Val comforts him and says they still have each other. Pierce sees a robe that Anne gave Paige, and is enraged thinking it's from Greg. Pierce makes charts about Greg, and decides that his first ""line"" to him will be Claudia. The power goes out, so they play football and sing carols. An orderly interrupts to bring her to x-ray, but instead takes her to the basement. Pierce chats with Claudia about Kate. Greg offers Paige her job back. Paige starts to regain feeling in her leg. Télérama © 2007-2020 - Tous droits réservés - web1 ... Côte ouest - Saison 1 Episode 1-L'Arrivée ... Cote ouest Saison02: les enfants - Duration: 13:35. mumu290164 17,413 views. Claudia asks Greg why he got him a job in La Jolla instead of MA, and Greg says he wanted to ruin the company, but didn't want Kate losing her boyfriend. Joseph quits and Gary is furious and punches him out. Gary yells at him for not telling him. Pierce comes up to Paige at the Tidal Energy Ocean Site, and holds her over the rushing water, but she gets away. 1:13. Cote Ouest Saison 3 Episode 14 Côte Ouest / Knots Landing. Claudia cooks him dinner and implies the salad dressing is poisoned. La série.? Val goes to Florida against Gary's wishes, where she learns that Mary Robeson was Laura's real mother, and Greg had her set up and sent to prison. Joseph asks Kate to go with him, but she wants nothing to do with him. Loading ... 13:35. mumu290164 17,509 views. Val agrees to meet her, but Gary follows, thinking it could be Pierce setting her up.
He gives Paige a shot. Alex invites Kate to dinner. Gary has to suspend operations, but Val comforts him and says they still have each other. Greg asks Joseph if he can support Kate, and Joseph is offended. Alex goes through Claudia's bank book and breaks her artifacts. Greg buys a date with Anne at a charity auction. Alex goes through Claudia's bank book and breaks her artifacts. The bank hesitates to loan Gary money because of Pierce's past. Paige cries and tells Anne that she really needed to hear those things, and they decide to start over. Vanessa's jealous, but says she knows he's doing it to get ahead with Greg. Cote ouest Saison 13 Pierce comes up to Paige at the Tidal Energy Ocean Site, and holds her over the rushing water, but she gets away. Fair Warning, Épisode 14 de la Saison 13 de Côte Ouest, une série TV de Michael Filerman lancée en 1979. ... Côte ouest (Générique ... les enfants - Duration: 13:35. mumu290164 17,242 views. Télérama © 2007-2020 - Tous droits réservés - web1 The bank hesitates to loan Gary money because of Pierce's past. Pierce goes to Paige's and packs. La série. Frank sends Julie back east to live with relatives. Holiday on Ice, Épisode 11 de la Saison 13 de Côte Ouest, une série TV de Michael Filerman lancée en 1979. Joseph quits and Gary is furious and punches him out. 1:12. Frank sends Julie back east to live with relatives. Val agrees to meet her, but Gary follows, thinking it could be Pierce setting her up. Knots Landing Back to the Cul-de-Sac opening Version 2 by milesthecat. Alex invites Kate to dinner.
Joseph asks … During physical therapy in a pool, Greg tells her she gave him a scare, and he starts to say he loves her. Val gets a call from a woman telling her she has information about Greg and Meg.
Télérama © 2007-2020 - Tous droits réservés - web1 Claudia cooks him dinner and implies the salad dressing is poisoned. Trials and Tribulations, Épisode 19 de la Saison 13 de Côte Ouest, une série TV de Michael Filerman lancée en 1979. Paige says it isn't, and he tears through her clothes to see what Greg gave her. 1:21. Joseph quits and Gary is furious and punches him out. She tells Pierce to get out. Côte Ouest Saison 4 Episode 15 Côte Ouest / Knots Landing. Search Results for: Cote ouest Cote ouest Saison 14. Do You Love Me?, Épisode 21 de la Saison 13 de Côte Ouest, une série TV de Michael Filerman lancée en 1979. The Torrents of Winter, Épisode 13 de la Saison 13 de Côte Ouest, une série TV de Michael Filerman lancée en 1979. Pierce tells Victoria that if she gives him info on Greg, he'll sleep with her. Letting Go, Épisode 15 de la Saison 13 de Côte Ouest, une série TV de Michael Filerman lancée en 1979. She gets groggy and he carries her to a van. Claudia and Kate go to Greg's for Christmas. Anne does her show on Paige, and how much she loves her. Côte ouest saison 1 générique "US" by franck reynaud. Unsubscribe from Côte Ouest / Knots Landing. Gary has to suspend operations, but Val comforts him and says they still have each other. Pierce blames Greg for the loss of the company and his breakup with Paige, and tells Greg he will destroy him. Val sees a news story that she's missing, and tells Greg about Mary. Gary yells at him for not telling him. Joseph asks Kate to go with him, but she wants nothing to do with him. Mary tells Val that Greg is trying to kill her. The orderly runs off, and Pierce knocks her guard out. Claudia asks Greg why he got him a job in La Jolla instead of MA, and Greg says he wanted to ruin the company, but didn't want Kate losing her boyfriend. Knots Landing Season 2 Intro by robbiecorleone13. Paige dares Greg to tell her he loves her. Jason leaves for Sweden on Christmas day. The bank hesitates to loan Gary money because of Pierce's past. Télérama © 2007-2020 - Tous droits réservés - web1 Holiday on Ice, Épisode 11 de la Saison 13 de Côte Ouest, une série TV de Michael Filerman lancée en 1979. Joseph quits and Gary is furious and punches him out. Greg and Anne go on … Little Girl Lost, Épisode 22 de la Saison 13 de Côte Ouest, une série TV de Michael Filerman lancée en 1979. The Ewings spend Christmas with the MacKenzies, and Val tells Karen she misses living in the cul-de-sac. He …
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