center element middle of page

I share everything I learn about design on my blog,

Was perfectly centered.if body's height isn't 100%, but say 3000px, you will see that text is in at a middle of a document, e.g.

Previously I would make use of guides to center layers.

You can float left or right, but there's no way to float center in CSS layout. I'm goignto end up putting content in the middle.Do you mean the div element #background to be scalable? This consolidates them and gives you the code you need for each situation.

They do feel a little odd at first but once you get used to these keyboard shortcuts it saves a tremendous amount of time over locating icons in the UI.If you want to use a different keyboard shortcut, you can create your own by going to This now allows you to center one layer in the middle of another simply by selecting them both and using the keyboard shortcut. Help is appreciated, thanks.Edit: I need the background to be in a separate div so that it's re-sizable, and the content doesn't show if the position is relative. Adding simliar Yep, it doesn't work on vertical alignments since the percentages (both left:-50%; top:-50%) are relative to the width of the container.

Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkersProgramming & related technical career opportunitiesWhat do you mean by window? But we want the modal box to centered window according to the middle of the element. I want to center the div "content".

You can do whatever you like with this code. And now comes the trick, because we have two wrapper to the popup, we can manipulate the inside div and will tell him to go left -50% If you like this tip, I will be happy to get your LIKE. To do this, put the cursor right before the text you want in the new section and insert a “Next Page” section break. The Overflow Blog

The only condition is that any derived work must have a reference to the original author.If you don't know the size of the browser you can simply center in CSS with the following code:This also helps in any unforeseen changes in the future. You will see that the text is on a different place becease Chrome's document is bigger, even though the browser windows are the same size.I tried to solve this by javascript, but was unable to get viewable window coords. It's also worth noting that the modern solutions I emphasised in my first comment as being Not using a wrapper when you don't need to is certainly a good principle to work by. Not to the browser-window.It looks middle of the browser-window to me... no matter what you do (resize, etc) in IE or FF, it's still smack-dab in the middle...I tried it on IE 11, mozilla firefox and chrome.

It seemed like the fastest way at the time but I got stuck in my ways and I now have a much faster way of doing it.The fastest way to center element(s) in photoshop is by using the marquee selection tool and I didn’t even know it was possible until recently.

However when you open this in Firefox and Chrome ans you maximize them both. But we want the modal box to centered window according to the middle of the element.

With the layer you want to center selected and the marquee tool active, press I’m not happy with moving my mouse and clicking on a button.

I use the top and left align functions almost as much as center so I have keyboard shortcuts setup for those as well.Photoshop now includes smart guides which appear on the screen as you move layers around, informing you of the location of the layer relative to other layers.You can position layers to be centerd vertically and horizontally using these smart guides but it can get confusing in a complicated document with many layers as it can be hard to tell if it is exactly in the middle of a particular layer or if it is actually aligning with another layer. I recently needed to make a placeholder page for a site. There seems to be a gazillion ways to do it, depending on a variety of factors. Before you center the text on your title page, you need to separate the cover page from the rest of your report, so only the text on the cover page gets centered vertically.

For a login window I used the following - it also has some safety with max-width and max-height that may actually be of use to you in your example.

Thus you can center in the document, but not in the middle of the browser window.If I understand you correct, you want to center the element vertically and horizontally based on the window, not the document. I’m a senior UI/UX designer with over 10 years experience working with some great companies such as Dorling Kindersley, TUI Travel, Sky Sports, Haymarket and more. But another good principle is: don't sacrifice cross-browser support to avoid using a wrapper. Then set align-items to center to perform centering on the block axis, and justify-content to center to perform centering on the inline axis.. If a new solution is provided by Flexbox I ignore the old techniques because we need to move forward, and Flexbox is supported by browsers since years, IE10 included. I’m lazy, so let’s make this process even faster by creating our own keyboard shortcut to center the layer.The keyboard shortcuts I use to center horizontally and vertically are:The important thing here is these combinations aren’t being used by Photoshop for any built-in keyboard shortcuts and it’s quick and easy to trigger with your left hand. How to Center Web Page Content Using CSS.

Centering in CSS is a pain in the ass. However, it's not fully supported in some legacy browsers like Internet Explorer.

As in the exact centre, including address bars, tab bar, status bar, menu bar, etc? What about vertical alignment?

Floated div centered. I think this is a good technique, used in the right situation.

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center element middle of page