gia diamond essentials

The Big 3 58 Terms. The Gemological Institute of America clarity grading system has been used. The Ready to shop for an engagement ring? GIA DIAMOND … In each chapter there a core concepts, and definitions to learn. 0.2 gram. Total Cards.

Clockwise, starting from top left: GIA Diamond Grading Report, GIA Diamond Dossier; GIA Diamond Focus TM Report, GIA Diamond eReport. The combination of the Four C's relates primarily toThe small, flat, polished surfaces on a finished diamond are calledGem shapes and cutting styles other than the standard round brilliant are calledClarity characteristics confined to the surface of a polished diamond are calledThe term "point" in reference to weight is equal toA gemstone's resistance to scratching is known as itsOn average, mine workers must process more than a ton of rock to recoverThe flashes of color you see in a polished diamond are calledThe term brilliant cut is used for gemstones with facets thatThe three major parts of a polished diamond are crown, pavilion, andFracture filling can dramatically affect a diamond'sAn included diamond crystal that reaches the surface of a cut diamond is called aThe most convenient and inexpensive magnifier adequate for diamond grading is theWhich of the following is a result of the bruting process?A diamond with "noticeable inclusions at 10X would receive which of the following clarity grades?You should tell your customers that the SI designation meansA detailed map of a diamond, showing its clarity characteristics, is called aThe general term for clarity characteristics within a diamond isWhen part of the rough crystal's original surface is left on a fashioned diamond, it's called aOne of the five factors that determine the overall effect of inclusions on clarity isThe standard magnification used for clarity grading isIn describing inclusions to customers, which of the following terms would probably be best to use?Clarity characteristics limited to the surface of a diamond are calledTo color grade a light yellow or brown diamond, graders compare it to a masterstone forWhich of the following GIA color grades indicates the greatest amount of yellow?The most common color of fluorescence in gem-quality diamond isEach letter grade in the GIA Color Scale representsOn the GIA color scale, the top grade in the normal color range isThe most commonly encountered colors among colored diamonds areWhich of the diamond colors listed here are the most rare?Irradiated diamonds might change color when exposed toWhich masterstone does the GIA Laboratory use to determine the point where a yellow diamond transitions to the colored diamond grading scale?The combination of tone & saturation that determines how noticeable a color is, is known asThe price differences between colorless diamonds and near-colorless diamonds are due primarily toThe annealing of irradiated diamonds to stabilize their color is done byAn unattractive gray ring under the table may be present in diamonds withThe balance of a finished gem's cut is known as itsOn fancy shapes such as the oval or pear, variations in the pavilion might causeThe pavilion angel is the angle formed by the girdle plane and thePavilion depth percentage is expressed as a percentage of theThe quality of the polish and precision of the cut of a fashioned gemstone is itsIf a marquise cut measures 9mm X 3mm, its length-to-width ration isThe sparkle that occurs in a diamond when the gem, its light source, or its observer move is known asThe separation of white light into its spectral colors isThe crown angle is formed by the girdle plane and theOn marquises, pears, and hearts, the sides near the points are calledThe angles and relative measurements of a polished gem and the relationships between them describe itsAn incorrect way to describe a 0.47 carat diamond to a customer would beIf a ring is set with a 0.83 carat, center stone, two baguettes that weigh 0.10 carat each, and six round brilliants that weigh 0.02 carats each, the total weight isA full-cut round brilliant diamond with a 6.50mm girdle diameter weighs aboutA diamond's depth is always the distance from the table to theIf a diamond weighs 0.77 carat, and its price is $2,772, what is its price per carat?In general, a large diamond is more valuable than an equal weight of small diamonds because of itsAccording to World Federation of Diamond Bourses and GIA Laboratory weight-rounding standards, a diamond that weighs 0.759 carat rounds toWhen jewelry is sold based on the total weight of its diamonds, that meansIf a diamond weighs 1.01 carats and the price per carat is $4,900 how much does the diamond cost?Diamonds are most likely to chip or scratch each other when they'reWhich of the following might damage karat gold diamond jewelry?You should advise your customers to have their jewelry checked for loose stones or wear everyWhen you accept a piece of jewelry for repair you shouldIt's usually best arrange displays in patterns that are easy to check and toSteam cleaners and ultrasonic cleaners are safe forA safe and effective way to clean jewelry is to useThe procedure to follow when receiving jewelry for repair is calledYou must keep valuable merchandise in a safe at nightCompared to a jewelry item's benefits, its features tend to be moreHaving your customer try on the jewelry they're interested in1940's to promote diamonds as symbols of love and romanceThe slogan "A diamond is forever" was first introduced in theA well-organized sales presenetation should includeWhen you restate a benefit in the form of a question, you are using anA temporary obstacle that delays or even stops a sale is called aIn jewelry sales situations, the close should always be sensitive, respectful, andWhen you want to develop an ongoing relationship with your customer, it's a good idea toThe number of successful sales compared to the number of attempts is known as theA good way to test the customer's readiness to buy is to

Crystal systems (advanced) 28 Terms. You can use the report number to access GIA’s online global report database, Round is the most popular diamond shape for engagement rings and a GIA report will contain a cut grade for round brilliant cut diamonds.

Title. Daydream of the diamonds after the final. So I can only have suggestions for you as hopefully you don't repeat my mistake of taking my day dreaming mistakes.

GIA examines the diamond, assesses its qualities based on the 4Cs, and describes it. Subject. It is assigned a bar-coded label that is used to track it throughout the process. Good luck! Diamond Essentials - GIA Flashcards. Subject.

GIA Diamond Essentials. GIA operates independently of these commercial interests, ensuring that its diamond quality assessments are completely objective and unbiased.If you want to know the quality of the diamond you’re considering – and you should, because quality and price go hand in hand – then you should look for GIA-graded diamonds and the No, not all diamonds have been graded by GIA. Nov 24, 2018 #1 Hello everyone, I am about to apply to the GIA Diamond Essentials course and I have a few questions for those who have passed the final exams. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for GIA Diamond Essentials Course at

Read the material, watch the videos, and take the quizzes at the end of each chapter. 100. All rights reserved.Use your GIA report number to look up your report results.Learn more about buying a diamond with the GIA 4Cs app. You can drop off a stone at any of Many diamonds in stores and online will already have a GIA grading report, which you can ask to see prior to purchasing. OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. It doesn’t appraise diamonds and is not otherwise involved in diamond pricing or valuation. Diamond Essentials - GIA; Shared Flashcard Set. GIA offers reports in a number of formats, including digital versions, each containing the trusted and highly accurate grading information diamond shoppers can rely on. Business.

Paul Gian-May 20, 2017 at 6:39 am. jonastar. It seems they keep flagging my application and telling me to call the Carlsbad office. Rather, like other scientific laboratories, GIA issues a report on the results of its evaluation of a particular diamond and believes “report” is the appropriate term to describe its grading results.This GIA-graded, Internally Flawless 2.78 ct round brilliant cut diamond received GIA’s highest grade for color: D. Photo: Robert Weldon/GIA. Diamond Essentials - GIA. Because of this, you’ll want to be sure that you’re getting a good value for the diamond you’re considering.A GIA diamond grading report gives you all the important information you need to know about a diamond’s 4Cs, as well as its Since a GIA diamond grading report is an unbiased assessment of a stone’s quality characteristics, it lets you compare one GIA-graded diamond to another. Start studying GIA Diamond Essentials Final Exam.


amy_walsh7. 1 of 2 Go to page. Coursework includes how modern technology is changing the way diamonds are cut, the relationship between size and weight, and how retail jewelry stores operate. Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 5:42 pm . The final exam is online, open book, and does not require a proctor.By closing this banner or using this site you agree to our revised

こんにちは、綾野です。 先日GIA-AJPを修了しました⭐️ 今後受講を検討される方の参考になるよう ネタバレでGIA先生に怒られない程度に(笑) 内容をご紹介したいと思います〜! 初回はGIA-AJP全体について、 そして3つのコースのひとつである Diamond Essentialについて触れていきます。

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gia diamond essentials