imdb youth without youth

OPENLOAD - Youth Without Youth 2007 (Watch Free Movies & TV Series). This causes Veronica to writhe in bed as if possessed and begin chanting a language even he does not understand. Many years later, Dominic encounters a woman named Veronica (The couple elope to Malta, where for a time, they live happily together, until Dominic tells Veronica in her sleep that he has always loved her. Box Office Mojo and IMDb are trademarks or registered trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Fantasy
", the rose appears in Dominic's lifeless grasp.

In the morning, townsfolk find Dominic's body, lying dead at the bottom of a staircase. Mystery Help Center Contributor Zone Polls. IMDbPro The film was nominated for Best Cinematography at the The "Other" explains that she is speaking in ancient Egyptian, having travelled further back along the path of her past selves. In the background, the "Other" confirms this to be the case. A love story wrapped in a mystery. ©, Inc. or its affiliates. Having realised that the lightning strike has partially lent him the capacities and knowledge of future humanity, he develops a secret language for his audio diary, to be deciphered long after the nuclear apocalypse. Despairing, Dominic returns to the town where he taught as a professor. Romance by IMDbPro - an

Youth Without Youth. Rated R for some sexuality, nudity and a brief disturbing image. However, Veronica's health begins to decline from exhaustion, and Dominic declares that he cannot continue these sessions, or even being close to Veronica, since his proximity to her is accelerating her age.

Parental Guide: Youth Without Youth (2007) Certifications. A love story wrapped in a mystery.

Subsequently, Dominic returns to a normal existence and resumes his linguistic research.

Domestic ( IMDb TV IMDb Originals Latest Trailers.

As Romania is invaded by Nazi Germany, Doktor Josef Rudolf (Living like a spy, Dominic eventually winds up in Switzerland towards the end of the war, where he is confronted by Doktor Rudolf at gunpoint in an alleyway. Community. Veronica symbolised the dawn of man, and he stood for the dusk. Drama It was the first film that Coppola had directed in ten years, since 1997's The Rainmaker. Outraged at the idea of sacrificing millions of lives in the name of evolution, Dominic shatters the mirror, causing the "Other" to vanish, yelling incoherently in an unfamiliar language.
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Sci-Fi Youth Without Youth is a 2007 fantasy drama film written, produced, and directed by Francis Ford Coppola, based on the novella of the same name by Romanian author Mircea Eliade.The film is a co-production between the United States, Romania, France, Italy and Germany.

For Industry Professionals. MPAA.

Set in World War II Europe, a professor is changed by a cataclysmic event and explores the mysteries of life. Rudolf argues that Dominic's existence supports the Nazis' ideal of the superman, and that the coming nuclear conflicts can only be survived by a superior species of man. However, in refusing to cooperate, Dominic manifests telekinetic powers which manipulate Rudolf into shooting himself. Certification.

His alter ego appears to him in a mirror and reveals the future of mankind; nuclear warfare will unleash an electromagnetic pulse, giving birth to a new, powerful human species, of which Dominic is but the first member. Set in World War II Europe, a professor is changed by a cataclysmic event and explores the mysteries of life. For the next two weeks, Dominic learns how to control this state in Veronica, leading her to regress ever further in time and speak previously unknown tongues. Over the objections of both Veronica and the "Other", he leaves. As Veronica's voice is heard echoing "Where do you want me to put the third rose? Youth Without Youth (bra: Velha Juventude [1] [2]; prt: Uma Segunda Juventude [3] [4]) é um filme teuto-franco-ítalo-romeno-estadunidense de 2007, dos gêneros suspense, fantasia e drama romântico, dirigido e escrito por Francis Ford Coppola, baseado na novela romena Tinereţe fără tinereţe, de Mircea Eliade.

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