The shocking plot twist is that Lyria didn't even make it one round through an eating contest. Vyrn (ビィ, Bī) Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya (Japanese); Sandy Fox (English) A grand adventure in the skies awaits!
After running away from the Erste Empire, she was rescued by Gran/Djeeta and later joined them as part of their skyfaring crew. It is used exclusively for Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffectiveDoes not work from the backline unless explicitly stated.Can't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG) Lyria has the ability to connect with Primal Beasts through her powers, represented by a blue jewel. A mysterious girl bereft of memories and imprisoned by the Erste Empire for her power to control primal beasts. It's important to note that if Lyria is in your party and in the back row, you will not be able to summon as you normally would, even if Gran/Djeeta hasn't been knocked out.
She was held hostage by the Empire for her ability as they wanted to use her in their experiments to control Primal Beasts. She cares deeply for her traveling companions and becomes distraught at the idea of any harm befalling them. For her SR verion, see Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Lyria is a mysterious girl with the ability to command primal beasts.
Her Charge Attack's elemental damage changes accordingly. This page is about the story version of Lyria. Lyria's element is the same as the Main Character. When using the event summon Dark Flame Scion, one of her skill cooldowns will reset. When using the event summon 25px Dark Flame Scion, one of her skill cooldowns will reset. With the help of her guardian, the knight Katalina, Lyria flees captivity. Lyria is an impressive buffer and healer with unique mechanics that is able to stand on par with SSR characters in utility and skill power. One day, they come across a girl named Lyria. Lyria's element is the same as the Main Character. A boy named Gran and a talking winged lizard named Vyrn lived in Zinkenstill, an island which yields mysteries. The nature of the competition should be fun in theory but unfortunately Redluck still sends me into a comatose state whenever he opens his mouth so I found 70% of this event to be mind-numbingly mediocre. She was a prisoner of the Erste Empire, who was using her for their mysterious research, but she managed to escape thanks to Lyria first became a playable character in the 3rd-anniversary event "What Makes the Sky Blue?" Lyria had escaped from the Erste Empire, a military government that is trying to rule over this world using powerful military prowess. She possesses wondrous abilities beyond that of controlling primals—she can also heal your wounds when it matters most thanks to your intertwined souls. Instead of doing regular attacks, Lyria uses her skills to buff her allies and build up her Charge Attack, as well as allowing the player to perform summons. This title is a translation sourced from Granblue Fantasy.This character's element is determined by the player.This character gains 20% more ATK from weapons of this type in your grid.Gender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. Lyria is an energetic girl who enjoys traveling and discovering new things. Her Charge Attack's elemental damage changes accordingly. The uncapping requirements for Lyria are different from other characters I don't have Kolulu but I support her in all endeavors from now on. When in a player's party, her element changes according to that of the player character. Cygames presents Japan's hit RPG, now with all-new 3D action. Lyria is the heroine of Granblue Fantasy.
A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute.A value between 0 and 3. The uncapping requirements for Lyria are different from other characters
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