While growing up, she was watched over regularly by Shikamaru Nara, as it was his final promise to Mirai's late father. During which, Mirai became very close to Shikamaru. She also seemed to have an enormous desire to meet her father, such as after initially turning down As an infant, she wore a simple yellow kimono with blue trimmings, held closed by a white sash. She also had a penchant for giving others nicknames: calling She also seems to enjoy challenges, as she hoped her escort mission would be an S-rank, and that attackers tried to confront her during her escort mission, but became horrified to learn that it was simply an excuse to allow Kakashi and Guy to take a vacation, which also caused her to have doubts of her own abilities, thinking that she was assigned to this mission because she wasn't skilled enough for more dangerous ones. Mirai worries if Shikamaru will forget about her. A celle-ci il rencontre Kurenaï et Mirai Sarutobi, Sa femme et sa fille. At two, her hair (shaded a dull brown color) grew a significant amount and has a short ponytail tied above her head. Her name was chosen by Asuma in belief of protecting the future well-being of the children of the world. * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence Naruto Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Anime. She used her Lightning Release to shock everyone out of their trance. Asuma est le fils de Hiruzen et Biwako Sarutobi, et quelques années plus tard, allait devenir l'oncle de Konohamaru Sarutobi. Elle a des cheveux noirs qui lui tombent un peu sur le visage, elle ressemble beaucoup à son père et a les yeux de sa mère.
As a young adult, her hair is black, long and unruly and she has red, ringed irides — both of which she inherited from her mother. Before her father (Sarutobi Asuma) had died. But lately she's been seeing less and less of him now that Temari-san is pregnant. However, after being informed by Kakashi that the reason for Naruto personally hand-picking her for escorting him and Guy, was because Naruto was concerned for Mirai because she was too stiff on her responsibilities, and was hoping that she'd be able to loosen up and enjoy herself, and while Mirai still wanted to take her duties seriously, was finally able to relax and enjoy herself during her mission. Before they did, Mirai realised the man was fraud and tricked him into revealing himself. Mirai wore a tan outfit with lighter tan colour stripe trimmings wrapped around her outfit, in a similar manner of how her mother wore her previous outfit. What day she was born on is a complete mystery. À un moment donné, il eut un désaccord avec son père, et il quitta Konoha afin de poursuivre ses intérêts personnels. She's always had both her parent's teams looking after her, especially her big brother Shikamaru. Elle a des cheveux noirs qui lui tombent un peu sur le visage, elle ressemble beaucoup à son père et a les yeux de sa mère. While for the most part she strongly resembles her mother, Mirai seems to have inherited the shape of her face from her father. Mirai is the child of Kurenai Yūhi and Asuma Sarutobi, born in the depths of Autumn. As a two-year-old toddler, Mirai was outgoing and friendly to her parents' students, showing a special liking to Shikamaru, hugging him upon seeing him and referring to him as her big brother.
She wears the standard attire of the Konoha-nin inclusive of a green Like her late father, Mirai prefers to fight at close-range, using her heirloom During her childhood, Mirai visited her father's grave countless times. Durant son absence, il devint l'un des Douze Ninjas Gardiens, un groupe qui protégeait le Daimyô du Feu, indiqu…
Ryūki grabbed Tatsumi and cut her cheek, consuming some of her blood to invoke his Later, after Ryūki and his men were captured and Tatsumi decided to part ways with the group, Kakashi and Guy revealed to her their vacation was in fact a cover for their working with the Some time after Urashiki was finally defeated, Mirai heard about a fight breaking out in the village.
Being acquainted with During a stop an inn, they met a young orphan named After the image of her father disappeared, Ryūki instructed the girls to drink a special purifying water to complete the ritual. Remembering how Mirai's mother had history with the Hyūga, Boruto asked Mirai to let him talk with Kurenai in the hopes of finding the perfect present for his grandfather, Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness Shikamaru Shinden: A Cloud Dancing in Forlorn Falling Petals Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
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