separate words. getCar(), purchase(), book() If the name contains multiple words, start it with a lowercase letter followed by an uppercase letter e.g. Having clear code does not remove the need for having clear naming conventions.I have naming conventions for some variables, like member fields or static fields, because the declaration of the variable may be far away from the code where I use it. The Overflow Blog Podcast 254: Code Newbie talks education and community on the web. or is it wrong? However, I agree with Toto that it's best to make your functions short enough so that these conventions don't make or break your ability to figure out what's going on.So after looking at all this, I decided to go with:There are many ways to name variables (as you can see from the answers)But as a general rule, they should be named such, that it is clear from just looking at the variable itself, what it does and what it is used for, right there and not have to go through thousands of lines of code to find out - and not just for who else might have to troubleshoot later but if your code is thousands of lines long for your own good if you yourself have to troubleshoot laterAND WHATEVER NAMING CONVENTIONS YOU CHOOSE BE CONSISTENT THROUGHOUT YOUR CODE - this cannot be iterated enough :)That way no matter where I look at the variable in any part of the code (HTML, PHP, etc.) of the class/package they are used in. I know...If I instead just had named it $tnVid I might personally have a vague notion of what it is but someone else looking at will have no idea that tn stands for (t)humb(n)ail, etc.Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! If your package needs to define global variables, their names When the "test" works, I often don't take the time to rename the variable wherever it's been listed.As for parameters specifically, I've never used the P notation. The Overflow Blog Global functions should be named using the "studly caps" style (also referred to as "bumpy case" or "camel … If possible, I like to see differences in naming between:This can make it easier to track down what's happening where.
PHP does not yet support truly-enforceable private namespaces Is there a naming convention or maybe some guideline on how to name function parameters?That way I'll always know which variables were passed as parameters. Prefix constant names with the uppercased name (This one's PHP, but it should be applicable to most programming languages)Is there a better way to do this or is it probably best to just avoid such naming schemes?If you need this, it means that the code written is not readable enough (functions/methods too long), cryptic variable/function names, bad OO practices, shortcuts, code debts, etc. That scope may be vendor-level, package-level, class-level, or method-level. Private class members are preceded by a single underscore. For example: Featured on Meta Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and
Some examples: The Loop : Our Community Roadmap for Q3 2020. I'll definitely keep that in mind and see if that might be the reason for my naming convention! autoloader.php; Words MUST be separated with a hyphen e.g. PHP Naming Convention > Method Naming camelCase.
Protected class members are not preceded by a single
Featured on Meta The new moderator agreement is now live for moderators to accept across the… Improved experience for users with review suspensions. a global variable called $_PEAR_destructor_object_list. Constants should always be all-uppercase, with underscores to Home; Blog; PSRs; Personnel; Bylaws; FAQs; Get Involved; PSR-2: Coding Style Guide Coding Style Guide.
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our 4.3.
2020 … Classes should be given descriptive names. Please contribute here by reading this guide. where possible. But, if it keeps your code clearer to type it one way, by all means.You should follow general guidelines for how to name parameters as you would for other variables (names should be clear, accurate, specific, consistent, and usually 8-20 characters long).As for the prefix, I would recommend the opposite: leave the parameter unmarked, and mark anything that you do with the parameter in the function as a separate variable. :)So it would be a signal that the code needs to be refactored/improved.I think taking the advice of Code Complete regarding naming -anything- would be justified it's whole chapter 11 is on naming variables properly):Don't name it j, k, i, m, n (unless it's just for an iteration) or "placeholder" or "test". Character encoding MUST be set to UTF-8 without BOM → File › Save with Encoding › UTF-8; Line endings MUST be set to Unix (LF) → View › Line Endings › Unix; Filename. Yes, PHP 5.x has truly private methods and properties if they are preceded by the "private" keyword. Methods. I like the idea, but if you named them right wouldn't it be clear they were the parameters for the function?I've heard that some people will keep their function parameters one style, with the type of data a the first part of the variable (array = arr), and then capitalize the following words:where the rest of their variables are in a different style, where the words are all lower case, no type definition, and the words are separated by underscores.Personally, I tend to keep my variables the same as the rest of my variables, purely because on the first two lines of a function, I'm making sure that they are what I expect, or throwing an exception. app-config.php … PHP-FIG The PHP Framework Interop Group Menu. The PEAR class hierarchy is also reflected in the class name,
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