Four Goku years later, Piccolo Jr. challenged him to a rematch.
An explotion appears. ☄️SONIC or GOKU Hello everyone who loves to play or just searching for funny ideas to spend time with families and friends! Wiz: Thunder Guard, Sonic creates a Thunder Shield.
But Goku dodges and use Dragon Fist but zero damage of Sonic.
Wiz: Homing Smash allows Sonic to stop in midair and perform a Homing Attack.
And doing the Light Speed Dash or the Light Speed Attack. Wiz: Stop with that stupid pun, anyway, The Winner is Son Goku But in this case, heroes who just want to have fun, relax, and really enjoy a challenge. Fought with Iblis, who burned an entire planet, ruining its atmosphere and leaving it in a state of ruins for over 200 years. Son Goku VS Sonic The Hedgehog is a What-if? Goku lost many energy. Dragon ball Z. Il y a 11 ans et 1 mois.
Wiz: Goku, with his Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-Ken 20x form, was able to break Hit's Time skip, and with the Complete Ultra Instinct he was faster then Jiren, who is faster then Omnipresent Zamasu, and was able to move in Hit's Cage of time, which means Goku have Wiz: Sonic tanked Solaris' Attacks, It was stated that Solaris would destroy all timelines, Which Place Sonic's durability as Low-Multiversal and possibly Multiversal But time end and Super Sonic return in base.
However, it is extremely dangerous and Goku has only ever been shown to multiply his power by 20. "I don't even need my sword for such an easy fight." I dunno, it's not like there's some alien about to destroy Earth. In addition to Goku's arsenal is his Ki manipulation, which he has been shown to use telekinesis, flight, ki sensing, mind reading, and others. Wiz: And being adopted by Grandpa Gohan, he was given a new name and which it remains his name forever to be known as Goku. If nothing interesting is going on, he flat-out bolts. Hence, INSTANT Transmission. Wiz: In the old days where stories are told, a brave hero is made as inspiration for those who wish to stand up for truth, freedom, and justice. But Goku reaxt kicking Sonic lauching it in the air.
So that hardly matters to Goku anymore. Wiz: And Sonic the Hedgehog, the fastest thing alive! Even in his newest forms and powerlevels; Goku still faces characters capable of overpowering him. He can easily break the sound barrier in mere seconds. Now a close fight in the air. Wiz: Except for one and he's the most notable one, he was sent to earth after the planets destruction and this saiyans name was Kakarot. Sonic vs Goku is Pistashio's twenty-fourth Death Battle. many things actually Goku used Solar Flare but Sonic attack first. This attack also has the potential to destroy entire planets.
If Sonic attacks Goku, he's dead. But then there's his latest form: Super Saiyan God. However, a pivotal drop on the head when he was just a baby changed him forever. And now Goku fly for continue punching him.
But now appers Hyper Sonic, a better transformation than Super Sonic, with this Sonic has more for give power than Super Sonic. Wiz: Kaio-ken was taught by King Kai, and he can use it to multiply ki and physical power. Hoje teremos uma batalha de 2 contra 2 que será... Goku e Sonic Vs.
Wiz: Oh... that's not good. Wiz: And most important he has the Chaos Power, with this Sonic can stop and lower the time.
He resisted Hit's time skipping abilities with Super Saiyan Blue Kaio Ken and can lift less than 1000 tons of weight. stay tuned for next part! Jeux : Goku vs sonic (480 jeux) Il y a 12 ans et 6 mois. Sonic vs Goku E 2,065 players, 3,137 plays 0 playing now, 5 most ever online 3. Wiz: Goku has notable techniques like the Ki Blast, Energy Shield, and The Destructo Disk which was taught by Krillin. Wiz: Well not quite the same, it's just that they're names that are generally confusing. Only think of the fight. We have addicting games made in Flash, Shockwave, WebGL, HTML5 and Unity for everyone.Copyright © 2007 - 2020
Embed Share 1 favourites scorge Published on 15 Apr, 2016 The Solar Flare is a technique by Krillin, but Goku uses it to blind his opponents. The EPIC battle of Super Sonic vs Super Saiyan Goku Sketching, Outline, Color and Shading done in: Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 2011 Paint e... Super Sonic vs Super Saiyan GokuAn idea i had some years ago (the original sketches were done in 2005!) Goku stay here and both finish clash their punch. Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle. He absolutely enjoys adventure, and goes on one every chance he gets. Wiz: Ah, all the Sonic characters that Sonic used the Chaos Emeralds can manipulate the time, and in the worst Sonic Game for me, a Sonic attack can lower the time and stop it. And the Classics versions running in the portal. Wiz: Sonic's most notable ability is his speed. Tails and Classic Tails are walking near to Sonic. Actually, remember how we said Goku could lift 40 tons in base form? Il y a 12 ans et 3 mois. But in this Sonic travel in the time. Goku enter in Super Saijan Three. Wiz: Scale. Sonic vs Goku is a What-If Death Battle by PuasLuisZX. The Custom Actions that for a Chaos Emeralds. Technically a draw though because this Goku can't catch-up to Sonic and Sonic can't do any harm to him. Wiz: And when the form finally subsides, Sonic returns to normal at peak physical form, regardless of his condition prior to the transformation. He has picked up several powerful abilities along the way, such as his signature Kamehameha, along with Destructo Disk, Solar Flare, Ki Barrier, Kiai Cannon, Spirit Bomb, and Dragon Fist.
I only allow goku and sonic stuff In here I'm trying to find more projects also Dragon Ball z and sonic scene creators + games ( 30 Followers )
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