Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. I was ready to move on to ‘AVP’ but wanted to check out the original ‘Predator’ film first. . Jeez you got a big pussy." Russell Crowe, Caren Pistorius nice cover too. Yesterday (despite catching a glimpse of the movie during its innumerable re-runs in different channels), I watched it again, in its entirety, in a relaxed manner (only because this time I knew just exactly Dutch and his companions are in for).
un de mes films préférés ! Bare-bones DVD, different image on the cover, but still worth owning for a nice price Showing all 9 items Jump to: Photos (7) Quotes (2) Photos .
The old woman in the village crossed themselves... and whispered crazy things - strange things.
The color depth looks as good if not better than modern movies.
If you've always watched this movie on VHS or DVD you owe it to yourself to experience the film in this level of detail! Otherwise, highly recommended. Freshen up your watchlist with Prime Video’s latest roster of movies and TV shows, featuring Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? On est d'accord, sa plume a fournit des punchlines mythiques et des dialogues cultes (Predator, l'Arme fatale, Last Action Hero...).
Derrick Borte avec This film terrified me in parts when I first saw it as a youngster and it was a non stop adrenaline fuelled film I loved enough to watch every time it was ever repeated on television.
The special effects may have dated slightly, but Predator still stands as one of the greatest Sci-Fi films in history. Dutch and his group of commandos are hired by the CIA to rescue downed airmen from guerillas in a Central American jungle. Je ne vois que the rock à la place de schwarzy
of course dvd version is not enough, like me you can put your bd in this case :-) When a man goes for virtual vacation memories of the planet Mars, an unexpected and harrowing series of events forces him to go to the planet for real - or is he?
^_- Dans un jardin qu'on dirait éternel Bande-annonce VO
Il obtient un diplôme en cinéma de l'Université de Californie en 1983. I'll simply say it is one of the very best in the '80s action/sci-fi genre, and perhaps my favorite Arnie movie ever. A team of special force ops, led by a tough but fair soldier, Major "Dutch" Schaefer, are ordered to assist CIA man, Colonel Al Dillon, on a rescue mission for potential survivors of a Helicopter downed over remote South American jungle. Sure, the movie is fantastic, but I don't like to be lied to. Shane Black est très fort en ce qui concerne l'écriture des scénarios et des relations qu'entretiennent les personnages. Action from start to finish, top-notch cast and once seen never forgotten.
One of my all time favourite arnie films was hoping for a 4k remaster but took a chance on the Blu-ray. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Shane Black est un surdoué de la plume. Quotes . Nothing special about it.
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