Kikyo Zoldyck (キキョウ゠ゾルディック, Kikyō Zorudikku)* is the mother of the Zoldyck siblings and the wife of Silva Zoldyck. Suddenly, Chrollo is distracted by Silva for a moment and Zeno is able to pin him against the wall and Zeno orders Silva to kill Chrollo; Silva immediately throws two huge balls of Silva appears again when his son Killua comes home wanting to see After Alluka's three requests to Killua, he is supposed to make a wish. Il se montre très proche de sa mère, Kikyo, puisque souvent à ses côtés. There's no doubt that Netero was levels above Silva.During the Chimera Ant arc, Gon summoned incredible amounts of power in exchange for his potential and even defeated Neferpitou with ease. Il ne laisse cependant pas ses sentiments prendre le dessus sur le travail et reste stricte afin d’assurer la sécurité de la famille.Canary peut sembler jeune mais elle fut engagée par les Zoldyck plus jeune encore. From what we've seen of her capabilities, Pitou was easily able to beat Kite, a seasoned Hunter. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers During the short meeting with Zeno, he was taken out by Silva Zoldyck in a single punch, albeit by surprise.Having been dealt with easily, there's no doubt that Cheetu is weaker than Silva Zoldyck, who didn't even need to resort to using his full power to beat him.Isaac Netero was the former Chairman of the Hunter Association in the series and quite possibly the strongest Hunter of all time. Son sang froid et sa capacité d’analyse le rendent redoutablement efficace dans ses missions ; il ne prend jamais de risques et estime qu’un bon assassin doit savoir attendre le moment propice où la victoire lui est assurée pour passer à l’action.Tout comme son fils Silva, Zeno Zoldyck est un assassin qui se veut professionnel et sérieux dans son métier. Ging is respected by every Hunter who has ever heard his name, and as such, he could easily be on a level above Silva Zoldyck.Kalluto Zoldyck is the younger brother of Killua and the son of Silva Zoldyck.
De même, il estime que seules ses cibles sont à tuer ; Zeno refuse d’entraîner des victimes innocentes dans ses missions. As one of the youngest in the family, Kalluto's strength is comparatively lower, although he does possess a lot of talent. Elle porte constamment une visière et, depuis la fugue du jeune Killua, d’innombrables bandages après que celui-ci ne l’ait attaquée. He has very little interaction with his son Killua, but he does have high hopes for him and has made Killua the heir to the family. Despite this, Kalluto has a lot of room to grow and isn't ready to be put anywhere close to his father, in terms of power level.In fact, Kalluto isn't even close to his brother, Killua Zoldyck in terms of power right now. Prime Zeno would certainly be stronger than Silva.Cheetu was a Squadron leader in the Chimera Ant army, and certainly one of their fastest characters. Découvrez des t-shirts, posters, stickers, objets déco et autres produits du quotidien sur le thème Zoldyck, personnalisés par des artistes indépendants du monde entier. Elle reste en tout cas une employée modèle et très loyale envers les Zoldyck. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Additionally, he decided to have his first fatherly conversation with Killua, asking him about everything that happened to him during the Hunter Exam, demonstrating an interest in him, and affectionately tussling his hair, although this could be interpreted as Silva simply faking affection to ensure Killua would return as the heir to the Zoldyck Family. Sep 4, 2016 - Explore mai_mai1007's board "Zoldyck", followed by 124 people on Pinterest. He has long, silver-blond hair with blue cat-like eyes, and is always dressed in a sleeveless or short-sleeved shinobi/shōzoku outfit and wears a pair of wristbands.
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